The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by Reynolds » Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:20 pm

Reynolds chuckled quietly to himself and took the item from her with a gracious nod.
"Sebastian," he replied, "Although I have a feeling you already knew that!"

Looking back to the hatch he shrugged. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."
He knelt and pulled the hatch open.
"Just in case."

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by Reynolds » Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:23 pm

He moved over to what appeared to be a navigators desk and placed the package on it. He opened it nonchalantly.

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The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by arcanus » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:04 pm

GM wrote:Make a D20 roll?
Ignoring the turbulence Reynolds tore away the outer paper package and unwrapped what was bundled within a canvas wrap.
Contained within were two sets of a mesh shirt, rather like a modern day chainmail, the sleeves were surrounded by flexible metal rings, with a small Ether cell on the left hip.

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by Reynolds » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:20 pm

D20 roll = 12
Reynolds hefts the first one.
"I think this one is your colour," he holds the shirt out to Lady Magnos.

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by arcanus » Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:00 pm

"A little too medieval for me!" she replies slightly haughtily "Perhaps Samuel would benefit!"

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by Reynolds » Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:07 pm

"Fair enough."
Removing his jacket he dons the archaic looking garment.
It takes him a while to sort out the buckles and fastenings.
"No wonder the Jocks are so bloody dour all the time having to battle this stuff before a fight!

Despite the comment he feels there is something scarily familiar about the armour.
Then curiosity gets the better of him and he turns the small switch on the ether cell.

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by arcanus » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:16 pm

As he activates the switch he feels a current flow through wires within the lining of his shirt, as it does the armour draws itself tightly across his shoulders and chest, as it does so the coiled rings interspace themselves the length of his arms.

Flattened telescopic tubes unfurl across his shoulder blades and down under his ribs, moving his arm Reynolds detects some form of amplification of his movement!

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by Reynolds » Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:43 pm

Mu ha ha ha... now I have powered armour

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by arcanus » Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:16 pm

GM wrote:Well a powered shirt at the very least :D
Lord Reynolds wrote:Mu ha ha ha... now I have powered armour

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Re: The Chronicles of Sebastian J. Reynolds

Post by arcanus » Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:26 pm

The Glasgow Express Crash Site Near Dunkeld
The Leader shook his head, pain raced the length of his back from where the explosion of raw ether had melted his armor.

Looking around he saw devastation everywhere, his techs dead some vaporized, a few of his men were still alive, then he located the source of his ere, a figure pulling a woman up the grassy slope on the far side of the fen.

He tapped his ethercom open, miraculously it was still intact and functional, crackling to life.


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