Etherscope - People

Background information for the world of Victoriana 1984.

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Etherscope - People

Post by arcanus » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:28 am

High Society
Lord Pevensy -
Lord Tebbitt MP -
Professor Thomas Farily Etherscientist - Greater Manchester University of Industy and Etheric Studies

Middle Class
Samuel Brocklesbury -
Sargeant Radbury - The Yard

Lower Class
Edison Greywall -
Kat - Newly promoted Madame of JPs girls
Lily - Deceased Escort of JP
Jodie -
Ernest Pink -
Lance - Lacottes Banker and charge
Crawford - West End Pawnbroker
The Lookout -
Skelton -

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Re: Etherscope - People

Post by arcanus » Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:47 pm

The High Collar Man -

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