Dark Worlds - IC

Details and a record of the characters exploits, successes and failures within the Parallel Worlds.

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by Keeper » Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:57 pm

Black visibly relaxed as he saw his thoughts engulf the craft and its course waver. his mind was already racing ahead, calculating the possible consequences of this encounter. The machines would send something to investigate, that was for sure. He realised that he would have to lead the trail away from where he was truly heading and then double back later. he hoped that e would have an advantage in that he was likely to be the only human on this world that could fly without the need for a craft.
Black's head suddenly whipped up as the pitch of the machine's thrusters once again changed pitch and the craft re-adjusted it trajectory back in his direction.
His brows knitted into a frown of frustration.
12000 feet. Plenty of time yet.
He let himself fall, releasing his mind from concentrating on keeping him up. Instead, he projected his sight towards the object. He wanted his mind's eye to penetrate the thin plating of it's fuselage to see the workings within. Then, with a mighty mental yank, he would pull every tiny wire and thin hydraulic pipe that he could see from whatever it was connected to, destroying circuits and making the mechanical parts of the crafts controls completely inert.
With no use of it's control planes the craft would likely corkscrew out of control as it's jets powered it into a suicidal dive towards the ground.
(20:51:52) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 5,4,1. 10 out of 16 for Clairvoyance (Power 12) to see inside the machine.

(20:52:44) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 3,1,2. 7 out of 17 for Telekinesis (Power 20 effective strength 60!!) to grab every wire and thin pipe in view and pull them from their earthly moorings :lol:

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by Keeper » Tue Aug 25, 2020 3:29 pm

IQ 7 out of 16.
Telekinesis 7 out of 17

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:13 pm

Yet again the worldlines inertia closed in around the invasion of its physics and continuum.

The crafts shell repelled Blacks efforts to see within, however the surge of telekinetic force nether the less smashed into its fuselage, denting its hull and throwing it starboard.
GM wrote:Make an IQ and Telekinetics roll?

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Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:35 pm

Black dropped another hundredfeet or so, whilst the craft stabilised itself and resumed a stuttering flight path.
craft wrote:<System zzzzt diagnostics, mainframe zzzt damage, secondary systems online, target deploying EMP capability>
Across the digital interface Black heard the crafts internal dialogue

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by Keeper » Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:15 am

“Well, you’re a tenacious bastard aren’t you?” Black muttered.
He considered his options and wasn’t happy about them. People he could deal with. He wasn’t so good with machines.
That said, he decided to have one more go before choosing discretion, or retreat, depending on ones point of view.
10 out of 13 for Dampen to try to get the missile to power down

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:59 am

GM wrote:Make a Telekinesis Roll?

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by Keeper » Wed Aug 26, 2020 9:05 am

16 out 17 for telekinesis

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:05 pm

Tracer fire streamed across the sky as the craft steadied its course, several phosphorus laced rounds rippled across Blacks shields one piercing said protection and clipping his left bicep.
GM wrote:2 points of damage

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by Keeper » Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:15 am

“You fuckstick!” Black curses in annoyance.
Concentrating he halted his plummet and surged towards the drone, unslinging the SMG and flicking the selector to fully automatic.
He took aim and squeezed the trigger.
10 out of 15 for the shot

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:37 pm

Keeper wrote:
Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:15 am
10 out of 15 for the shot
GM wrote:Roll Damage?

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