Dark Worlds - IC

Details and a record of the characters exploits, successes and failures within the Parallel Worlds.

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by Keeper » Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:47 am

14 Damage

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Sun Sep 20, 2020 11:17 am

GM wrote:
Keeper wrote:
Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:47 am
14 Damage
Drone Defensive Countermeasures - 11 of 14
The crumbled bullet shape ship hurtled toward Black whilst he did the same, each eating up the intervening sky.

The surrounding clouds were painted flame orange by streaks of tracer fire, Black's path weaved at tremendous velocity returning fire, rounds pounding the drones hull.

As the combatants shot past each other, Black sensed another presence his eletrokinesis flaring as he detected a cloud or swarm of small machines travelling west.

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by Keeper » Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:41 am

Once the gap had closed to a dozen meters or so black stopped mentally pushing himself forward, allowing momentum to carry him the rest of the way passed the drone. Instead his mind had switched to another tack.
It was a film he recalled seeing many years ago. An old actor named Slim Pickins, a stage name Black was sure, had lost the plot and rode a nuclear missile fired at the enemy screaming “ Yeharrrrr!” or something similar!
As he passed the machine, putting the swarm out of his mind for now, he initiated his combat teleport, to blink onto the back of the drone.
5 out of 16 for combat teleport. Finally a decent roll!!

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:30 am

GM wrote:4 Points of Fatigue
GM wrote:Dex Roll?
Black wrote:13 out of 14

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Re: Dark Worlds - IC

Post by arcanus » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:47 pm

Black roared as it felt like he was being squeezed through an inch wide gap, he felt himself shift, vanish from one place and appeared on the Hull of the craft.

<<<<zzzzzzt. Coordinate displacement..unexplainable....>>>>>>

"Fuck" he grunted as his fingers struggled to grip the Hull and he bounced along the fusilage, wind sheer tore past him, his TK shields buffeted but keeping the worst of it at bay.

<<<<<zzzzzztt.....Evasive manoeuvres.......>>>>>

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