IC - Axis Umbra

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An Ill wind.......

Post by Curren » Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:52 am

Is the wind blowing up the tunnel where we are going? Or from the entrance behind us?
Last edited by Curren on Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Drake » Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:17 pm

Another quick question, are the MK blades made of the same mystery metal, or are their weapons a normal metal?

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Post by arcanus » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:11 pm

The blades are made of the same unknown metal.

It has a composition similar to silver.

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Post by arcanus » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:23 am

The Wind howls in from outside, the MKs press in a crush of whiring blades.

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Post by Curren » Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:49 am

'Cam on mate!' Curren calls to Frank as the englishman dodges and weaves away from the MK's relentless assault. He turns to run down the tunnel and attempts to grab the little humanoid wherever he is!

'Somethings on its way!' he pulses this thought to the gnome as he searches around for him.
PDI Curren is directed to distract the MK's.
Is the Chaos spell actually having any effect on the MK's?
'Can you cause a cave in of the tunnel behind us? Because I think its Moggy-scrinsonburger causing the wind!' Curren pulses to Frank.

'And don't give me any fackin' purile fart jokes, kapeesh?' he adds with an afterthought as he gets clear of the throng of MK's further down the tunnel.

'Where are ya?' He shouts. The distorted echoes of his voice from the tunnel depths return making him grit his teeth and wince.

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Post by Drake » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:48 pm

"CURREN!" yells the gnome, "I'm down the tunnel!"

Curren looks ahead and sees a small silhouette about 30 feet away, safe from harm for the minute.

At that moment one of the MK's takes a swing for Curren, from behind him. Curren, being slightly distracted by looking for the gnome, doesn't see the incoming attack.

Suddenly, the armour clad figure shifts to the right, without warning, and the MK's blade slices into nothing but air. Curren then is very quickly moved down the corridor, inches off the ground before stopping next to the gnome. Drake drops the spell and Curren drops back to terra ferma, fully in control of his own movements.

"I'll have a go at closing this tunnel off. Reckon we've got about 30 seconds before they reach us!"
Drake quickly extends his senses up through the metal curved ceiling of this tunnel.
Are the tunnel walls made of the same metal as the MKs? If not, how thick is the metal and is there rock above the metal ceiling?

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Post by arcanus » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:22 pm

Drake watches as Curren vaults over the next row of MKs, a little surprised that he can hear Curren's Thought Voice in his head.
Curren skids to a halt besie the Gnome, as the MKs seem to bounce off each other, finally disorientated, by their own reflections, blades whirring and cutting gouges in their polished bodywork.

Having chance to catch their breaths, the pair realise that the wind has died to a ambient breeze.
The tunnel is indeed made of the same metal.

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Post by Drake » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:39 pm

"No joy with the tunnel, skipper" says Drake to the tall human. "Can't seem to get a hold of it. We just need to make like a shepherd!!"

The small gnome starts running as fast as he can down the tunnel, away from the mad MK's behind them.

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Post by Curren » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:47 pm

'Cheers fella!' Curren says patting Frank on the head.

Curren follows Drake down at a slower pace covering the descent, hoping that the abatement of the wind means that he was wrong in his assumptions.
Did the Chaos spell have any effect? Just for future reference.
Last edited by Curren on Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by arcanus » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:00 pm

Curren wrote:Did the Chaos spell have any effect? Just for future reference.
It did seem to affect them yes.
Roll Agility+Magic & Body+Magic (Both Drake and Curren).

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