IC - Axis Umbra Drakus

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Post by arcanus » Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:17 pm

Drake wrote:That's a Moderate then. Pretty much knackered now. He was on at least a Moderate before coming into this tunnel...
GM wrote:Karma Pool :?:

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Post by Drake » Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:25 am

GM wrote:Karma Pool :?:
Karma: 5 5 4 2

Knocks it down to a Light, so I think have taken 8 blocks... Didn't count on a stupid tunnel of doom! Thought getting to the middle was it!

Crafty GM...

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Post by arcanus » Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:52 pm

The cavern opened out into a bell shaped chamber, long sinewy ribs extending up the walls.
A misty glass extending between the pillars.

Sat within a cluster of mechanical parts was crouched a mechanical person, resembling a clockwork old man, its head slowly turned regarding Frank Drake.
Its eyes turning and regarding the diminutive figure, before turning back in disinterest.

Drake staggered as a surge of exhaustion washed over him, turning he looked upon the hourglass its sands almost gone.

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