Imperium Timeline

Grand World fiction from World of Darkness: Imperium
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Post by arcanus » Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:17 am

The Realm of Etheria - a Potted History
  • 1698 - The Horizon realm Etheria is discovered by the Explorers Guild and Voltian Order, taming of its umbral landscape and settlement begins.
  • 1706 - The wilds of Etheria are discovered to contain fey Changelings, the Explorers Guild commences a progrom hunt to purge the reality deviants, despite inital brutal successes the guild are symied by the creatures elusiveness and suspect the surviving arcadians are received assistance or shelter.
  • 1720 - Order of Reason Technocrat Christiaan Hyuygens dismisses Robert Boyle's theory (and paradigm) of Lumininiferous Aether, despite Newton's endorsement.

    The action prompts the The Voltian Order to leave The Order of Reason, Newton counsels the Imperium to avoid joining the brief Magik conflict that ensues.
  • 1727 - The largest known European Voltian Order Chantry in Gilbraltar is besieged by the Order of Reason and Spanish forces, the Imperium responds by having the Royal Navy blockade Spanish Forts and Union Horizon realms.

    The seige is broken by the destruction of the Chantry (possibly by the Voltian's themselves, by this time the surviving order members have fled to Etheria.
  • 1728 - Following several failed assaults by Order of Reason forces on Etheria the Voltians close Crossroad portals from European locations and eject surviving OOR subjects, notably the Explorers Guild.

    In response the Order of Reason dispatch ships crossing the Umbral Marches to assault Etheria, however they are once again blockaded by Imperium vessels.

    Following tense conclaves between the Technocratic Hedgemonys, the OOR forces withdraw, relations between the Imperium, The OOR and Etheria grow frigid, gossip and rumour spreads around the head of the Etherian Voltarian's Captain John Syme being an illegitmate child of George II.

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Imperium Timeline

Post by arcanus » Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:18 pm


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