Los Amaya Diablo

Fiction from the Dark Frontiers of World of Darkness: Imperium
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Los Amaya Diablo

Post by arcanus » Tue Jul 18, 2023 1:37 pm

Beneath the offices of Diablo Valley Undertakers - Juniper Street
The hilly Peninsula upon which the city of San Fransisco was built was made up of unusual bedrock of red, green, gray, black, blue, yellow, and brown rocks called the Franciscan, below the ground the territoiry was riddled with caves and fissures created by frequent tremors from nearby fault lines.

Below the cellar that functioned as a crypt for the funeral home above, lay one such set of caves, the Franciscan in the walls creating a Kaleidoscope of colours, the largest cave had been laid out as a traditional Taoist ceremonial space, the floor paved with tiles denoting the Ying, Yang and hell orientations converging upon heaven, in the centre.

The New Promise Mandarates leaders sat within their respective orientations, it had been a difficult task to get the ruling Dharmas of the Blood and Flesh Courts to agree to work together and volunteer Wu for the endevour and only the accompanyment of an Ancestor from the Gold Court had prevented machinations or open warfare from breaking out.

However that was not to say that the collected Wu were on friendly terms, quite the opposite each Dharma held opposing tradition in gaining Heavens forgiveness, some denied seeking the blessing of the celestial emperor and then the Wu themselves had their own goals.
Their purpose was simple the Middle Kingdom was beset by the influence of invading colonial Shen and civil war that was sending thousands to the afterlives, whilst the ruling Golden Court struggled to repel the invaders and defend themselves against the warfare, the Mandarate was to explore new territory could its territiry and chi be claimed for the Courts, even used against the foreign and internal foes of the Courts.

The past few days had been bloody, whilst the Mandarate shought to use the Scarlet Screens to effect peaceful takeover of the key locations, due to its prominent location within the Ring of Fire the peninsula was contested by multiple Shen both native and colonial.
The city for all its pretense of civilisation was lawless, a wilderness where life was without cost even the lives of immortals and the Shen both living and dead ready to resort to tooth and claw without any respect for decorum, propriety or rules.

The destruction of several running monkeys was to be expected, the one thing the civil war provided were more souls dragging themselves back from Yomi, however the mandarates forces total destruction would result in an unacceptable loss of face, for an endeavour that was already derided as foolishness in the face of such great troubles in the Middle Kingdom itself.

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Re: Los Amaya Diablo

Post by arcanus » Tue Jul 18, 2023 5:18 pm

Beneath the offices of Diablo Valley Undertakers - Juniper Street
The Ancestor stirred from her meditation, the Mandarins waiting until she had returned, her eyes were inverted the sclera being completely black whilst the pupils white, a faint blue mist rose from her form.
"Our progress has been slow" she stated, directed at a male upon the heavenly correspondence, Zhu Fu Jing the leader of the Resplendent Cranes school, he nodded but remained silent
The Wan Kuei sat cross-legged within the Hell correspondance snarled, her skin as white as pure snow, a main of black and orange hair rising from her scalp as well as her jaw line, her mouth full of row upon row of fangs, her nose almost non-existent instead two and eyes those of a feline, she was a visage of a demonic tiger.

If one of the Ten Thousand Demons personified their scholl it was Zhu Sǐwáng zhǎo, a Devil Tiger and her ascent from Yomi had crafted her to resemble a Demon Tiger made flesh "The Kin-Jin were aided by Hengeyokai and the mission protected by celestial forces, how did you not know of this!" she spat
The Ancestor looked on as Zhu Fu Jing breathed out "It is unlikely the Hengeyokai were aiding the Kin-Jin, it is no surprise that there are so may here due to the great Dragon Lines being so powerful, after all we all know they seek them above all else"
A look from the Ancestor silenced Zhu Sǐwáng zhǎo who's face was contorted in anger, Fu Jing continued "Nothing within the Pictograms foresaw the missions power, however the failure of your Jina against mere mortals is disappointing" he said with a faint smile
"That said our efforts in the East of the city were more fruitful, these places are in the hands of mortals they will soon be ours" interjected Zhu Xun Yi of the Thrashing Dragons
"Apart from the Fishing Village Well" hissed Zhu Sǐwáng zhǎo "We cannot afford the kin-jin to hold the site"

"Agreed" said the Ancestor
The Devil Tiger elder nodded "We must attack it with force, release our Bakemono"
Zhu Fu Jing's eyes widened, it was Zhu Xun Yi's turn to grow angry "Your use of demon spawn is barely permissable within your divine mandate, not to further the aims of this court, to do so would risk drawing the attention of the Yama KIngs"
Sǐwáng zhǎo laughed, a harsh rasping noise "Your naivity surprises even I at times and we are the closest in creed, the Yama Kings are already here do you not feel them, why do you think the Howling Devil Tigers of The Black Iron Talons even agreed to this enterprise" her lips curled into a snarl "The Kin-Jin holding the well must be destroyed and any Shen who aid them slaughtered in the mud"
The Ancestor breathed out loudly a noise that sounded like wind flowing through the caves "Zhu Xun Yi's point is valid, if the Yama Kings seek the Bay of Fire our efforts should not feed their efforts, however Zhu Sǐwáng zhǎo is also correct the well must be taken" she turned to the fourth of the Wan Kuei Lords "Rouse the Jiangshi and prepare the Xíngshīzǒuròu"
The Bone Shadow Lord nodded in agreement

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