Hunters Moon - IC

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Re: Hunters Moon - IC

Post by Keeper » Sat May 18, 2024 11:11 am

It was still early morning and there was a haze of smoke over the city as people lit fired to feed the masses."
Moon found herself wondering where they got all the wood from?
Despite the interlude and the rather bizarre happenings of yesterday, every step Moon took weighed heavier on her shoulders.
The weight of her failure was burden indeed, and she wondered now how she might ever move on from it?
People at her monastery home and back in the Beast Courts always talked about her as though she was special, she had been given all the best teachings and had received better treatment because of it.

True she was special in that there were so few her kind left in the world, but they spoke about her in terms beyond that. Auspicious was a word she had heard used a few times.

With this special treatment came a lack of something. that being failure.
Not failing to perform during training or getting something wrong at a ceremony, but actually failing at a given task, not achieving the desired outcome.
"Enough!" Moon scolded herself. "Dwelling over the past does no good if one does not use this knowledge to change what they do in the future," she quoted aloud.

A warm wind had picked up, and Moon could smell the woodsmoke mingled with the scents of foods.
Moon found a dirt road and followed it towards the city. Ahead of her a middle aged couple were carrying several bundles between them.

A rickety wagon was approaching, coming from the town. The driver, a grizzled old man with an unfeasibly large and dirty beard growled at the couple as they stepped off the road. "Git out of the goddamned way you stoopid chinese cunts!" the old man growled at them as he approached.
Moon's eyes opened in surprise as a hot, buzzing, tingling sensation shot from her groin to her temples, following the lines of Zhang's markings and her legs buckled.
She fell backwards in shock.
“Stoopid assed chink!" The old man said as he drove the cart passed.

Moon lay there in the dusty ground staring up at the blue sky.
She'd heard the old man and understood every word. She burst out laughing.

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Re: Hunters Moon - IC

Post by Keeper » Sat May 18, 2024 11:22 am

Moon's onward journey into the city was slow. She kept stopping every time she head one of the white men or women speak.

The sensations flowing from her crotch to her temples had started off intense but she became accustomed to it.
She heard people talking about their lives, their families their horses, young Tobys gammy leg and Mr. Owen's wife, whoever Mr. Owen was?
Hundreds of voices whose words floated passed her previously, but now they broke on her like waves and eventually she could barely stand it.

Eventually she made it to the boarding house and her room. The magical pulses had lessened by then, as she had left the English speaking part of the city and entered Chinatown with its familiar languages.
However, the after effects of this enchantment still lingered on. "Damn you, Zhi Zhang!" Moon cursed under her breath.

She made herself comfortable on her bed and sorted out the situation like Ai had shown her.

"Master Tails, are you there?" she asked the empty room when she had composed herself.

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Hunters Moon - IC

Post by arcanus » Fri May 24, 2024 4:36 pm

"I think its is time" responded a voice not that of Master Tails
From the corner of her attic room the White Crane Woman stepped from a shalt of sunlight.
'Time for what' Moon replied automatically
"Your purpose, you admonish yourself for failing your training, it is enough, I speak not out of disrespect but with celestial mandate, the Courts of Blood and Beast are consumed in the wars of man, it is they that have lost their purpose".
'The decision has been made by the Jade Court that you will be told your purpose, rather than that duty be left to those clearly incapable"

"You are a Spirit Guard Chuang Moon, a Shifter born with Spirit Blood, your training by Jade Allies of the Beast Courts to prepare you to protect the Spiirt Realms now the doors are open once again to the vices of man"
"There is currently a battle for this City, a battle not just for its bricks and mortar but its spiritual power, the appointed one is important to this battle and your task to find her, all the more important"

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