IC - Axis Umbra

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Post by arcanus » Mon May 25, 2009 9:11 pm

Drake darted forwards avoiding the falling form of a mangled serpent creature, a tail lashed around slapping him sideways.
The blade whirling above him, creating bloody mayhem.

Curren was driven back as three serpent creatures pressed home their attacks, the occasional clawed hand caught him, smashing through his armour and cut deep.
Truth and Justice flaring as he parryed and thrust in retaliation.

Fitch was slammed across the clearing by a hefty tail, his assailant tearing across the clearing in pursuit, the creature pounced, launching itself from a powerful coiled tail. At the moment of impact, Fitch seemed to only just gain consciousness and slid under the creatures landing.

As the melee became dirty and bloody the two Soldiers realised there was no sign of Nebblesworth.

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Post by arcanus » Sat May 30, 2009 6:59 pm

GM wrote:Drake: Make a Sorcery Roll?
Curren: Make two sword rolls?

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Post by Drake » Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:32 am

GM wrote:Drake: Make a Sorcery Roll?
Sorcery (+ GoI?): 5 5 3 2 2 2 (+ 5 4 for GoI)

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Post by arcanus » Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:52 pm

The SBBOD pushed up, rotating out cutting a swath through the reptillian flesh before it.
This movement released Drake from the crush, the battle was still pitched with Curren spinning and slashing with 'Truth & Justice'.

Drake's respite was short lived as sensing another shift, he turned to look at the stone head, its mix of humanoid and reptillian features stretching,
its eyes crystallising and beginning to glow.

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Post by Drake » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:11 am

"Er... Dave, Angel, Curren... shipmate! Look!" yells Drake pointing at the stone head which seems to be coming to life.
Are we able to astrally perceive in this realm?
If so Drake will quickly glance at the stone head in astral.

Could this be a spirit in this realm? In which case, can they be banished?

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Post by arcanus » Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:59 am

Drake wrote:Could this be a spirit in this realm? In which case, can they be banished?
GM wrote:No Astral Perception is not possible, Sense Magic/Detection/Analysis Spells are fair game however :!:

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Post by Drake » Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:59 am

GM wrote:No Astral Perception is not possible, Sense Magic/Detection/Analysis Spells are fair game however :!:
Only Fair Game If You've Got The Spells...
"We've got to move!" yelled Drake as his tentacles extended. Three of them hastily wrapped around a tree trunk and propelled him upwards, the fourth performed a quick sweep of the area using it's built in thermal camera, looking for the heat blob that is Nebblesworth.

Any sign of the 'worth?
Perception: 8 5 4 2

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Post by arcanus » Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:53 am

Drake wrote:"We've got to move!" yelled Drake as his tentacles extended. Three of them hastily wrapped around a tree trunk and propelled him upwards, the fourth performed a quick sweep of the area using it's built in thermal camera, looking for the heat blob that is Nebblesworth.
GM wrote:Drone initiative Roll (Base Initiative (Quickness+Intelligence divided by 2 +VCR rating +number of dice equal to VCR, so say his base Initiative is 4 and his VCR 2, his Drone Reaction is 6+3D6)) :?:

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Post by Drake » Thu Jun 11, 2009 1:56 pm

GM wrote:Drone initiative Roll (Base Initiative (Quickness+Intelligence divided by 2 +VCR rating +number of dice equal to VCR, so say his base Initiative is 4 and his VCR 2, his Drone Reaction is 6+3D6)) :?:
OK, I think I get it. Normal reaction plus the VCR (which is 2)

10 + 4d6. (his normal is 8 + 2d6): 10 (+ 9 + 4 + 3)

Can't remember if you add them all up or if it's 10 plus any successes over the target number...

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Post by arcanus » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:13 pm

The small form of Frank Drake hurtled around a tree, propelling himself across the clearing and over the fray.
As he scanned the mass of heat, he finally picked out the bulky form of 'Nebs', his form being brutally beaten by several of the serpent men.

As Drake plummeted down, beams straithed out from the heads crystalline eyes, cutting through the snakemen, before finding 'Curren'.
His armour and shielding shone as the energy cascaded across it, a deluge that rapidly threatened to overwhelm the magicians defences, in fact the sight of the energy surging around him was growing in such intensity it threatened to obfuscate him completely.

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