IC - Axis Umbra

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Post by arcanus » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:48 pm

A final charge, the air ruptured as a bolt of elemental lightning burst from Truth and Justice.
Curren gasped as Truths blade fractured, splintering into shards.
Burning ozone filled the air as the lightning exploded into the stone head, a serpentman blistered and then exploded as the lightning passed by it.

Another serpentman lunged for the miniscule form of Drake, however the gnome was quicker.

'Fitch' danced a merry dance, weaving between the serpents.
Curren stood shaking his head at his broken blade, before sensing the impending reaction, diving for cover he shouted to Drake.
The Gnome hit the ground, Fitch leaping behind a rock as the stone head broke apart releasing a wave of energy that tore across the clearing, flattening it.
GM wrote:Make Body rolls?

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Post by Curren » Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:48 pm

GM wrote:Make Body rolls?
Curren wrote:8 5 5 4 4 2

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Post by Drake » Thu Dec 10, 2009 9:27 am

GM wrote:Make Body rolls?
Body: 9 3 2

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Post by arcanus » Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:32 pm

Dust, gravel and copius quantities of grass seeds were thrown into the air forming a raging cloud, which promptly billowed across the clearing completely enshrouding the Crusaders.
Drake was lifted and hurled across the dirt, Curren left coughing and spluttering, Fitch rasping and snarling.
Each felt as if they'd been pummelled as the escaping energy battered them.

After several long minutes the cloud dispersed, revealing the scene of carnage the ruined forms of the serpent men.

The Crusaders breathed a sigh of relief it had been a long hard fight.

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Post by Curren » Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:32 pm

As Curren's relief and adrenaline faded; he realised that he only held the hilt of Truth in his hand. The sword had shattered with the energy that had been passed through it. Just a sharp shard of the metal was still attached to the hilt.

'Ah, bollocks!' He snarled in frustration. 'Now what am I to do?'

'And did this in fact hold some deeper meaning?' He thought. 'If the truth had failed, could the crusaders continue their journey to find the truth about the Gagglepuss?'
'Damn these tests.' he thought as he shook his head.

Something else far more urgent was nagging at his mind, and with a start the memory returned.

'Oh no. Nebs!' he exclaimed as he looked around for his companion of whom he had seen wounded during the melee.
Curren wrote:Perception: 15* 8 5 4 4 1
'Nebs!' he shouted.

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Post by arcanus » Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:00 pm

Curren wrote:'Nebs!' he shouted.
Casting his sight around and eventually through the smoke, wreckage and cadavres Curren saw the rotund form of Nebblesworth.

As the Crusaders reached his prone form, they saw that a grey discolouration had covered his entirety, even his clothing and great coat.
The tubby goblin looked quite serene.

Fitch twitched uncomfortably, grinding his fangs.

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Post by Curren » Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:28 pm

'Ah shit... Nebs!' his concern evident, Curren dashed over to the goblin.
Biotech of 10* 5 5 4 1

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Post by arcanus » Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:43 am

Curren wrote:'Ah shit... Nebs!' his concern evident, Curren dashed over to the goblin.
Biotech of 10* 5 5 4 1
GM wrote:Roll Conjuring?

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Post by Curren » Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:04 pm

Conjuring plus 2 magic pool: 13* 9 5 4 3 2 2 1

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Post by arcanus » Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:08 pm

Looking upon the still form of 'Nebblesworth', a thought occured to both Crusaders, he was a spirit.
As they reminded themselves of this fact, the realisation hit them that 'Nebs' aura was not one of him being dead, more that he was in a form of spiritual stasis.

"Sssso waz uze doinz, juz stanin zez" snarled Fitch angrily

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