As the wind rushed past he cast his searching eyes back towards the source of the tracer rounds.
8 out of 16 for perception
8 out of 16 for perception
Make a Telekinesis roll?
4 out of 18 for telekinesis - CRIT! I love Jimmy's dice roller!
Electrokinesis Power 5. Dampen skill 9 out of 13.
(Dampen turns off electrical equipment)
The electrokinetic surge whipped across the intervening sky pushing through the morass, the missile wobbled, twisted and veered at a 25 degree downwards, however it then seemed to recover and regain altitude, reacquiring its target.Keeper wrote:Electrokinesis Power 5. Dampen skill 9 out of 13.
(Dampen turns off electrical equipment)
How far above the ground is Black?
Keeper wrote:How far above the ground is Black?GM wrote:Approximately 12000 feet
(20:51:52) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 5,4,1. 10 out of 16 for Clairvoyance (Power 12) to see inside the machine.
(20:52:44) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 3,1,2. 7 out of 17 for Telekinesis (Power 20 effective strength 60!!) to grab every wire and thin pipe in view and pull them from their earthly moorings
IQ 7 out of 16.
Telekinesis 7 out of 17