The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

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The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by arcanus » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:26 pm

<Fort Save>
<Swim Roll>

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Harry Lacotte
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Re: The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by Harry Lacotte » Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:30 pm

<Fort 16>

<Swim 23>

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Re: The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by arcanus » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:31 pm

Harry braced as the current began to spin him downwards, bashing him against the tiled walls.

He kicked and flicked to avoid being slammed by the vortex, although his lungs held firm panic raced through his head, the tunnel curved from vertical into a horizontal shaft.

Harry kicked into the flow moving into the clearer water away from the brickwork, the water raced on faster and faster before ejecting him over a ledge and depositing him into a deep pool.

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The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by arcanus » Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:46 pm

The Pool, Deep Beneath The Crown Capital
Harry allowed himself to float in the deep water for a moment, the waters lapping against him.

Southern Sudan, The Kingdom of Kush - 1972
His skin has just finished another phase of shedding, leaving him sore and tender and now easily bruised.
He pushing himself onto his knees off the sand floor, blood trickled from his mouth and nose, fighting to catch his breath.
A hard tap right on the bone of his ankle sent pain throughout his leg "On your feet Lacotte, only the dead lie down" scathed Captain Styles
"Com'mon freak, geddup!" grunted Corporal Tressman, hoisting the young soldier up painfully by his chin

Harry swayed, the setting sun struggling to penetrate the canvas tent, he brought his shaking fists up
Tressman stepped in wasting no time raining jabs and punishing hammers down on him
"Lacotte, foot back to brace, left elbow down, counter, counter, jab, jab, for goodness sake boy!"
Harry staggered back, his mind swimming trying to do all of The Captains orders while being beaten senseless

"Baxtor, what on earth was that, this isn't the bloody waltz" he shouted at another young soldier
"And again Harry until its right"
Drawing hot air into his lungs, Harry panted, red eyes narrowing on the brutish Tressman "Sir" he snarled

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Re: The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by Harry Lacotte » Sat Feb 04, 2017 1:26 pm

Get up. Ignore the pain. Focus. Assess. Adapt. Endure. Learn.

With a bellow and a curse, the litany galvanised him to scan with his low light vision the cavernous cistern that he had been deposited in.

It was of a well made Victorian construction comprising of thousands of bricks that gave the expanse that look of antiquity, the bricks were lined with the algae and detritus of over a century of use.

He squinted in concentration as he tried to estimate the distance down he had been dumped, and how he was to get back to the surface. More and more he was considering leaving Stepney altogether, but he a had a duty of care if not friendship to Lance to ensure he was ok, or at least laid to rest respectfully.

<Area Knowledge 16>

<Search 18>

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Re: The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by arcanus » Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:36 pm

The Stepney Sewer Kingdom
They marched through the winding tunnels, these were the bosses tunnels off limits to the rank and file kingdom citizens.
Only the strongest and in favour frequented and even they stepped aside and hid in the shadows as Grymes pack hustled their captive through.
In reality The Right of Trade was a whimsical law like anything within the Kingdoms to be ignored, broken or discarded by the bosses when it didn't suit, however the bosses had been agitated by the events unfolding around their guard dog for years he had guarded their eastern border.

They couldn't prevent the Sheriff from ordering the cull of the boy, a slight was a slight but they weren't happy how things had unfolded.

Passing a number of checkpoints they arrived at the entrance to the vault, which was quite literally a great circular bank vault door.
Grymes rolled his eyes as they passed yet another check, he glowered at the chamberlain who gave them the once over before permitting them entry into the large room.

There was a musty smell, the smell of old men, Grymes nodded to each of the fat old Gammas sat in chairs around a central fire pit.
The youngest of the bosses although still a grizzled elder middle aged Gamma stood at the rear of the room Isiais Blight, the Kingdoms Enforcer General and Grymes boss, turned and regarded Viskanna and those guarding her.
Grymes gestured to his cutthroats who subserviently backed out of the chamber, The Stepney King Immanuel Ward turned his large joweled head towards Madame Viskanna who had by now shoved into the centre of the rooms floor.

Blight stepped up to the other elders chairs "Invoked the Right of Trade, only think you ave to offer at the moment whore is yer worthless carcass!"
King Ward raised a finger Blight bent and listened to his kings whispering, looking at Viskanna who had now rather defiantly got back on her feet "Well?"

"I'll trade the boys life for information on the Lambeth Loon's" she said quitely, Grymes eyes almost popped out of his head
"YER BITCH" roared Blight "YER THINK TO BLACKMAIL THE KING OF STEPNEY WID SHITE!", Grymes had by this time shot across the floor, yanking her hair and once again bringing his blade up to her throat "Second times a charm!" he hissed evilly in her ear.
Viskanna for her part wriggled away from his fetid breath "Wait!" she hissed
The King raised his hand once again, Blight scowled and Grymes reluctantly released his grip
Viskanna rubbed her head, raising her head defiantly and addressed the King "The Loons are using the old Western Tributary Tunnel to bring in guns"
"They are and have" she replied
Blight smiled menacingly "So you've told us your trade, kill her!"
Viskanna stepped forward away from Grymes "So you don't want to know what else they are up to?" she said coolly, albeit glancing back to keep an eye on Grymes
"She's bluffing!" barked Blight
"We will trade" said King Ward, spitting on his hand, Madame Viskanna quickly spat on hers and and shook the kings, smirking at Blight

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Re: The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by arcanus » Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:41 pm

The Pool
Harry estimated he has descended some 20 floors and needs to head eastwards.

As he orientates himself he spots movement from the far end of the pool chamber and something slip into the water.

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Re: The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by Harry Lacotte » Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:42 pm

'More 'hazards'' he thinks grimly as he slowly attempts to position himself in such a way that it will limit whatever it is getting a drop on him without him knowing about it. He backs against the closest wall in the cistern.

He squints into the low light on the surface, keeping the noise he is making in the water to a minimum, to listen for other movement in the water. He then sinks his head below the water line and searches the depths.

<Listen 13>

<Perception 15>

<Perception (Smell) 12>

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The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by arcanus » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:26 pm

Harry squinted through the murk, bracing his back against the submerged wall.

Then through the grey waters he saw his hunter, humanoid, long lithe body abnormal, an extended snout and tail flicking through the water.

Sweeping from side to side as it moved towards him.

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Re: The Chronicles of Harry Lacotte

Post by arcanus » Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:34 pm

Harry shifted slightly uncomfortably as he watched the creature, he grimaced as he spasmed, his muscles seeming to writhe beneath his skin.
Disturbingly he noticed large finger sized flakes of mottled skin float away from him!

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