Vapor & Tenebrae

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Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by arcanus » Fri Nov 24, 2023 11:54 am

Agnes had always respected Sabbaths occasional abruptness and getting to the point, she was much the same no nonsense, get it done and chided herself for procrastinating.
She quickly ran through the differnece engine readings "Aha, we can improve the efficiency of the Glyphs and the hull integrity, it will need a replacement Lovelace Card, configuration here, but your the writer"

With that she appeared beside the pilots chair, after a moment of indecision Sabbath hopped out and pulled a printing console from a panel in the cockpits starboard side, he quickly brought up Agnes's parameters whcih appeared as ghostly numbers and symbols on the hazy circular screen.

He impressed himself with how quickly he configured the etheric press and punched the card, smiling as he produced a card of truly impressive quality.
Agnes held the Cambion steady with an impressive level of skill as he swapped the cards around int eh drum like cylinder of the engines card slots, having realigned the arrays configuration he flicked the switch to recalibrate.

Whilst he replaced Agnes in the pilots seat, Sam looked out of the windows and flinched when the Glyphs shone then emitted a spherical pulse of energy expelling the organisms and resealing the hull, the ship pulling away from the cloud as it raced out over the Astral Irish sea.

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Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by arcanus » Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:07 pm

The Astral Space over the Irish Sea - 1879.
Caught between two Wyld lands those being the Welsh Dragon Lands and Tir Nan Og, it was little wonder that since the Mystrial the Irish Sea had become known as the Cauldron.

Miss Honeywell's Orbiting Eye spirit bobbed and veered, buffeted by the tumultuous winds, buzzed by territorial sky spirits and struggling in the Cambion's etherstream, her summoning had significantly armoured it but its erratic movement was giving her a pounding headache.

She mentally instructed it to keep up as best it could and returned her mind-sight to her body.

The Offices of Northrup, Dodds, Fogg and Honeywell - Albany Street, Edinburgh - 1879.
A small illusionary effigy floated above a brass dias positioned on the desk before Mr Fogg, as Cordelia Honeywell gingerly opened her eyes and winced from the resulting headache, she heard Fogg talking to the Illusionary head, an idealised facade created to provide visual substance to the voice being transmitted across etheric space.

She heard him repeat and assure "Yes sir, yes, most urgent, with all due haste, our best people, yes time is paramount" he finally clicked the small brass switch off to shut down the transmitter, double checked it was off and breathed out heavily.
He noticed that Miss Honeywell was awake, became a little flustered and straightened his craveat

"How are they getting on!" he said anxiously
Cordelia took a long sip from her glass of water, the throbbing in her temples starting to calm "They have made it safely across, although not without challenge but otherwise making strong progress, thus far they are as good as reputed"
"Well thats a dash relief" he replied absently taking a drink from her water, to which she just smirked
"I take it our employers are insistent"
"They are beside themselves, I rather think they will be constantly on the line until this matter is resolved" he muttered, as if in response the Etheric Transmitter chimed once again and he frowned

"Do you want me to answer that one" shouted Mr Dodds from the neighbouring room
Fogg and Honeywell exchanged knowing looks and permitted themselves a quiet chuckle "Not at all Mr Dodd's you are the single best of us to handle the paperwork"
"Right you are, have your way" bellowed Dodds in return
Shaking his head Fogg flicked the switch to receive and resumed his assuring the client

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Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by arcanus » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:19 pm

The Astral Atlantic
Ordinarily the roughest months for Atlantic storms were November to February, however Old Mother Sea could rouse one in any month if she had the inkling, and this March was no exception.

The Cambion bobbed and swayed amongst the gusts, Sabbath saw them as icy blue lines that swirled, arced and headed straight for the Ethership, whilst his passengers just saw the fast moving clouds and occasionally air spirit in the busy sky.

They were closing on the Stellar Polaris, Agnes estimated they'd reach her in the hour, when Sabbath noticed a large shape rising in the rocking waves.
"Agnes" what's that below
The Goatfolk Ether Engineer quickly recalibrated her console "From its Astral signature, its a ship mostly wood not an ironclad, but she's listing badly"

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Re: Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by Keeper » Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:00 pm

"Ah, fuck!" Sabbath muttered under his breath. "I don't suppose that it's anything like our target?" he called back over the noise of the Cambion's engines and the howling wind as it buffeted the ether-ship this way and that.
"Most definitely unlike our target,” Agnes responded.
"Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say, " Sabbath grumbled.
"We could just ignore it." Samantha put in.
Sabbath considered the words. "Yes we could," he agreed. "Not our problem and not what we are here for,” he said in justification while turning the yoke and swinging the nose of the airship towards the listing vessel.
"But we aren't going to, are we?" Brocklesby sighed.
"And that's what I thought you'd say," Agres quipped.
"Agres, do you have any way of contacting that ship?”
The Crimson Cambion rocked and swayed as it descended towards the tumultuous ocean below. "I'll try to raise someone, but they might not have ether comms down there,” Agnes said with a nervous bleat as the ether ship suddenly plummeted in the turbulence.

Sabbath brought the craft in low, above the tops of the waves, and approached the ship from the starboard side.

He flicked on two powerful searchlights at the front of the Cambion, lighting up the roiling sea and the stricken vessel in bright white light.

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Re: Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by arcanus » Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:43 pm

The Astral Atlantic
The ship was an old wooden clipper in the astral, sections of hull clearly old whilst newer timbers betrayed patches and repairs.
The choppy ocean seemed alive on this side, triangular waves reached up her hull and pushing the vessel over, she listed heavily her masts shattered, rigging ragged, little signs of life.

The Cambions searchlights washed across the helpless ship, Sabbath's gaze passed across her sodden desks, tendrils of swirl lashed from the rising seas whipping across the ether-ships hull, then he noticed lantern lights from the rear decks.

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Re: Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by Keeper » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:35 am

The Cambion caught a gust broadside, and Sabbath fought the controls to keep her steady as he eased her aft towards the lights.
"Alright, Sam, over to you!" he said as he held the controls firm.
"Me?" Samantha Brocklesby asked in surprise.
"Well, yeah!" Sabbath answered, glancing at her and giving her an incredulous look.
“Why me?”
"Oh I don't know, foaming ocean, untold fathons deep, listing vessel... I guess you're right, we'll leave the Water goddess on board and send the meat-bag who can't swim even half as well, while the Cambion flaps around in the wind!"
Brocklesby sighed heavily and climbed out of her seat. "I can't believe the things I do for you!" she chided.
Sabbath gave her a grin.
Brocklesby pulled open the door and was immediately hit by wind and sea spray.
"Christ!" she cursed.
"Do you really think I'm a goddess?" she aked Sabbath with a beaming smile. Her words barely reached him over the noise from outside.
“Of course," he shouted. "A beautiful goddess!”
Her smile at that comment could melt hearts, Sabbath thought then moved his focus to keeping the craft steady.

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Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by arcanus » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:55 pm

The Cambion swayed, ghostly plumes of luminescent whipped past the open hatch and illuminated the breaking waves below.
Agnes snorted and rolled her eyes at the exchange of adoration, she churlishly sent a surge of blue ether through the port tubes the imbalance tilting the ship to its starboard.

Sam stumbled forwards with the motion, dropping suddenly from the hatch, her momentary shock was superseded by her nature as the oceans spray struck her face, the instead her homes water touched her her elegant features shifted, covered in scales as she plunged into the frigid sea.
Unlike mortals her nature shielded her from the shock of the cold or the need to hold her breath, the ships hull appeared ominous and dark, rising and falling.

Her sight had adjusted looking through the charcoal grey waters, she noted the large crack or split in the hulls timbers, not enough to split the vessel but significant enough to completely flood it, the currents around her were turbulent, surging and flowing back however she glided amongst them, circling the ship.

She grimaced seeing pale phantom figures drifting within the crack, then she caught sight of deliberate movement, from below the hull large humanoid forms with long tails swam beneath the ship.

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Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by arcanus » Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:47 pm

At first Sam thought the aquatic figures to be Merfolk, but seeing long sinewy eel like tails and almost reptillian upper bodies dismissed that notion immediately.
Her eyes widened the word 'Shit' forming on her lips as they darted and snaked under the hull towards her, there were too many to fight but they were fast, concentrating she felt the pressure localise and built around her hands, kicking she darted toward the lead creature which was someway ahead of its kin.

It attempted to loop its body above her and spear her with its spined hands, she used this flicking down and then quicky up beneath it which brought it level with its scaled stomach, she didn't hesitate smashing it with her fist, there was an explosion of pressure and the creatures body seemed to implode causing it to vomit a torrent of blood and flesh.

The creature feebly thrashed around which provided her with some cover as in doing so it spread its own blood into a cloud, fear and a note of panic washing over her, she kicked quickly pushing herself back towards the surface, as she did she pulled five brass tubes from her belt, but cursed as fumbling two of them dropped into the silent darkness below.
The things swarmed around their now sinking kin reaching for her, she pulled the cap from one of the remaining tubes pointed it and squeezed, a tiny amount of blue ether was exposed by the fractured stopper immediately vapourising the water ahead of it into superheated steam, she repeated this with a second before pointing her third and last upwards sending a jet of steam up out of the ocean.

The Cambion had moved closer to the rear of the ship where there were still lights, Agnes had quickly recalibrated the console
"There's signs of life" she said aloud "What the hell"
"What" replied Sabbath as the ship swayed
"Ether Flare from along the hull!"

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Re: Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by Keeper » Tue Jan 09, 2024 2:51 pm

Sabbath whipped his head around and saw the flare.
"Shit!" He cursed and guided the Cambion closer to the surface.
"What are you doing?" Agnes asked with obvious worry.
"Changing my mind about this whole bloody farce!” Sabbath said, struggling with the controls.
From this position the bright lights of the Cambion illuminated the stricken hull and Sabboth could make out large rents in the wooden structure like deep claw marks.
"That's no storm damage!" Sabbath said, nodding Agnes' attention towards the marks in the hull.
"Alright, Agnes, get the door open and strap in, we're about to get wet feet!"
Agnes was about to say something in protest but she'd seen Sabbath like this before and knew she'd not dissuade him.
Alongside the door was a harness, used when loading supplies with the door open and the Cambion airborne.
Someone from Sabbath's household had fallen to their death when a strop holding a load being shipped on board had snapped.
The load had spilled over and knocked the crewman out of the open door.
Even in the Scope such a fall was fatal, causing neural feed-back that fried the unfortunate’s brain.

Ever since then Sabbath had insisted that crew wore a harness that was attached to the ship when there was a risk of falling.
Agnes quickly strapped herself in and pulled the door oper, immediately buffeted by strong winds and spray.
"Okay!" Sabbath yelled over the din. "Feet wet!”
"What?" Agnes bleated, once more concerned about the course of events.
She didn't have time to object further as Sabbath dipped the Cambion's lower hull into the water just to one side of where the flare had signalled.

Samantha Brocklesby dodged the slashing claws once more, kicking herself sideways.
This murky frothing brine was home to these creatures, as it was to her, yet there were too many of them for her to dodge them for much longer.
Then she noticed the light increasing, the Cambions powerful spotlights moving closer and illuminating the water's surface.
One of the creatures got close, raking at her with its talon-like laws but once more she narrowly dodged the attack, however the creature was quick in its reactions and grabbed at her leg and pulled her close.
Sam kicked at it, her booted heel catching the top of the creature's head. The concussive blow was enough to free her from its grasped and she reached within herself to summon her control of water allowing her to surge away.
Then three large shapes appeared on the dark water's surface. She instantly recognised the shape of the Cambion's longer hull flanked by its two outrigger hulls. She couldn't believe what she was seeing but was also very grateful for the potential rescue. Continuing her arc she flew up towards the surface.

The catamaran style ether ship heaved heavily in the tumultuous ocean, the port side dipping steeply until water rushed in over the door threshold, sloshing around the internal deck.

"Oh my! Lord Sabbath!" Agnes called out in alarm as cold Atlantic water swept over her feet.
Sabbath too disliked the soaking, but ignored it, concentrating on the dials and controls before him making sure that there was power enough to get back out of the brine.
“Come on, Sammy girl, get back in the boat," he muttered under his breath.

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Vapor & Tenebrae

Post by arcanus » Fri Feb 02, 2024 7:01 pm

Sam silently screamed as claws sunk into her leg, rough scaled arms wrapped themselves around her shoulders starting to pull her back down.

Agnes grimaced, being in the astral did nothing to warm the freezing Atlantic waters sloshing over her hooves.
“Come on Sam” shouted Sabbath as he struggled to keep the Cambion tilted into the water
“Lord Sabbath, we need to illuminate the water” she shouted

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