IC - Just Deserts

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IC - Just Deserts

Post by Black » Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:11 am

Leaving the school behind him Caliburn Black knew the events of this night would stay with him for a long time.
However, the mission had gone successfully, none of the team were badly hurt.
Good prep, good execution.

Talking of execution, the thoughts of Fullers latest offer came to mind.
Black doubted if it was Currens sort of thing but that didn't matter. He'd go alone on this one if he had to...

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Post by Black » Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:55 am

Caliburn Black rode back to 'Op-Centre' with the images of those emaciated women chained to their beds still fresh in his mind. The elf's skin crawled at the thought of their babies being harvested for the organs and their young tender flesh.

The battle in the basement of the old school was the first time since his escape from Chicago that he had gone into 'Agent Mode', becoming the cold, heartless operative that Transys had paid so much to develop. It was the only way that he had been able to function without being distracted by the scene before him. He had limited life experiences, having been grown in a laboratory and trained from the beginning of his life to be this impersonal tool of the British corporation.
On the day his 'creator' absconded, the day he decided he no longer served the corporation he gained a degree of normal humanity, or was it elfity? He had not had to work too hard at building on that, until now he was able to function sociably with the people around him. The trouble was that every time he let Cardinal back into his life it was as though he took a step back, loosing a little of the humanity gained.
It would be a battle he would have to face every time, but on this occasion it was definitely a price worth paying.
As he arrived at his underground base he guessed that there could well be a few more backward paces in store for him before the dawn came.

Fuller had said to make the two EMT guys pay. At this moment in time, black saw little option other than making the bill the ultimate of costs.
They may not have known for sure what the gig was, what happened after they delivered the young scared pregnant women to the creepy looking albino's, but it didn't take much of an imagination to realise that it wasn't likely to be pleasant, especially for the victims.
To Black's mind that made them equally as guilty of the horrendous acts committed on those women and equally due the same fate as the ghouls.

There were other ways, of course, other than killing them, but did they really deserve that much effort?
No, not at all, but they deserved some.

Drake and Angel were already there. Drake was chattering away like a giddy school boy, describing the encounter between the Proud Gaijin and the Aurora Angels.
Dave Angel merely sat quietly in his chair, not really listening to his friend's recital. He looked tired and battered, both physically and mentally.
He perked up slightly when black placed the certified credsticks on the table, including a donation to the Angel Foundation.

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Post by Black » Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:17 pm

After re-arming himself, black bade his three companions a good night and headed back out into the darkness.

Checking his watch he saw that it was only half past two. A good time, not called the quiet hours for nothing. Even the gangers would mostly be tucked up in bed by now.
Deep inside an old attitude tried to come to the fore and for a moment Black wished the gangers would be up and awake. Earlier this night several of them had held weapons up to his face and he wanted to show them just who the real top dog in that scenario was.
Pushing Cardinal back into the past he carried on.

The streets were more or less empty as the elf rode to a large shopping mall where he dumped his bike in one of the many secure parking lots and caught a cab out to the edge of 'The Gods' territory.
Careful to disembark in a discreet location Black brought his Google Terra map on his phone. He already had the target house ringed.

Picking a route that would get him close by using back lanes or cutting through gardens etc. He began to make his way stealthily towards the two men.
A thought occurred to him then; what if they weren't there? It didn't matter, he decided. He could wait for them.
Even so he turned on his tracker receiver, the bug Drake had planted should still be working.
Does he pick up a signal and if so, where are they?

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Post by arcanus » Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:58 pm

Black wrote:Does he pick up a signal and if so, where are they?
GM wrote:You do pick up a signal which indicates they are at their home.

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Post by Black » Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:27 pm

In that case Cal will make his way covertly towards the offending abode keeping an eye out for any possible threats.

Infiltration Roll: 16 10 9 9 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 (9 hits).

Perception Roll: 14 11 9 8 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 (10 hits).

PS. I got a feeling this topic may be in wrong place.

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Post by arcanus » Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:02 pm

An unwelcome shadow, the form of Caliban Black effortlessly slides into the garden area of the EMTs dwelling.
He reaches the door within incident or detection, a simple job of bypassing the maglock and he's into the sleeping house.

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Post by Black » Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:32 am

Tense, feeling somehow that this has all been too easy, the ex-spook paused, sniffing the air for any indication that these guys had a pet. The last thing the elf wanted was to have his cover blown by some snarling man-eating beast. The silenced Ultra-Powers in his hands gave him plenty of reassurance.

Further senses extended, electronic feelers reaching out into the ether searching for the signal that would indicate a wireless network. Necron hoped it would be a secure network, he hadn't flexed his muscles in a while. Black had made him be far too diplomatic of late.
That said, he didn't hold up much hope of finding anything so sophisticated here.
Perception: 16 dice: 18 11 11 7 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 (9 hits) looking for that tell-tail doggy whiff!

Scan: 18 dice: 10 10 10 9 7 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 (10 hits)

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Post by arcanus » Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:02 pm

Waiting in the shadows 'Black' took in the surroundings, the broken down garden and decaying 1990s architecture, a front garden not looked after for many years.
Then he caught it, the sounds of quadroped movement, no smell although the scent of the house could mask such, but definate padding of paws and from the weight relatively large paws.

Necrons skull split into feral smile, nothing that he couldn't contend with but some home brew IC, both defensive and offensive.

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Post by Black » Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:15 pm

It was a shame, the pooch will have done nothing wrong except for belonging to a couple of guys who deserved to die.

Another innocent that could die because of them.

The Ultra-Power swept silently in the direction of the appraoching animal as Black opened the rear door again. Perhaps the canine would be happy to go outside to piss or just have a good sniff around.

Who knew, maybe the mutt would be friendly. The two thugs didn't strike the elf as the caring type so a little attention could diffuse an otherwise tense situation.

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Post by arcanus » Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:43 pm

GM wrote:Make a Charisma+Essence roll?
