The Weird West

Fiction from the Dark Frontiers of Aether 1879.
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The Hollow Worlds

Post by arcanus » Thu Sep 20, 2018 6:13 pm

New Hudson – United States Colony Realm Space
“We’re about two blocks away” senior agent Briskin relayed via his inner ear comm
The black Ford Explorer wove through the period streets of The Roosevelt Quarter before pulling up in front of the Wexford office block.

The cordon had pushed civilians back, evacuated office workers sat huddled in thermal blankets, the September afternoon made bitter by a cold front coming down from the Seneca Mountains bordering the city.

Briskin exited the SUV and made his way to the command van, following a quick greeting to the agent in command “Casualties?”
“Twenty unaccounted for” the agent replied “We have tac teams securing all but the upper two floors”
The senior agent examined the upper two floors shrouded in darkness, the commanding agent continued “The team is ready is to go in!”

Briskin frowned uncomfortably “Get them underway, some of the missing might still be alive!”

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The Hollow Worlds

Post by arcanus » Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:06 pm

New Amsterdam City - New Hudson United States Colony Realm Space
Commander Kathleen Duval, a native of Washingston DC looked up above the city at the surrounding mountain range, she shook her head sure was strange being somewhere else.
Completing her team brief she turned as the Ranking Agent stepped over to her
“Point of entry?” requested Briskin
Duval stiffened from the directness “Skylight on the east end of the top floor”
Briskin visually surveyed the building “Readings indicate the second to top”
“We need tactical advantage”
Briskin nodded thoughtfully “I’ll be accompanying you!”
“Sir” replied Duval in surprise, however Briskin was already making his way to the command unit

Situation Command Post
“Zeez” you see the squad commander, shes as old as my ma” chuckled one of the analysts “Or yours” he added
Sat in front of the surveillance screens his neighbor chuckled, until he noticed the presence behind the jester
In full tac setup Briskin set a hand on the jesters shoulder leaning down to his ear “Keep your mouth shut and eyes open!” he hissed,
the analysts gulped and nodded

Commanding Agent Barros noted the ire on Briskin’s face as he exited the post
“Everything okay?”
“Just some analysts being dicks”
Barros turned to regard the five X-Squaders “About the monster squad!” looking unimpressed he turned back to Briskin “That a big issue”
“Seems not!” replied Briskin as he strode past Barros to the awaiting X-Squad detail

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