The Chronicle
Moderators: Podmore, arcanus, Otto
- arcanus
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- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
The Chronicle
Homeline – Infinity Headquarters, Chicago – Spring 2027.
It was a beautiful warm sunny day, a balmy 18 degrees, a bright cheerful day that lifted every bodies spirits.
The Infinite Tower was an immense structure, towering some 120 stories tall, as the golden sun graced its eastern side its windows polarised.
The 32rd floor housed the Validation and Permits department, from its name an innocuous affair, but appearances were very much deceiving for this was the floor where cross-time travel was authorised.
Amongst Infinity Bureaucrats the administrators of this department wielded enormous power, a fact James McFadden appeared to have grossly underestimated.
Sat in the plush reception alongside his fellow Sports journo Mike Eldridge, a pair of kings surveyed all that lay before them, laughing raucously at their shared jokes, checking out the secretaries with cheeky winks, sneering at the male administrators and sprawled across the half moon Prussian blue sofas.
Their territory was encroached as a bespectacled man entered and took a seat, his tablet beneath his arm, the pair immediately adopted snipe expressions, this was the geek that they the jocks in high school had either ignored or ridiculed.
For his part the man ignored them, waking his Tablet up and catching up with whatever work he was involved in, Jimmy and Mike frowned at the lack of sport and returned to their conversation.
“So did you bone her!” challenged Eldridge
Jimmy gave him that what do you think! look
Mike produced his smart phone “Check this out”
Jimmy expected to see some naked or near naked girl draped in lingerie instead he was greeted with something of equal allure a Jaguar Hydro XJ775 super sports car, his eyes almost popped out of his head
“No way, yours!”
“Yep, ordered it Friday, last bonus cheques a biggy” Mike’s eyebrows raised knowingly
Inwardly Jimmy fumed, no matter how successful he was, Mike had a habit of pulling the bigger payoffs, still he had back to back stories lined up, 2027 was definitely going to be his year.
Both Mike and he worked for the Trans-World Chronicle Homeline and potentially the multiverses only inter dimensional newspaper, filled with breaking news from historical echoes, biographies of the historically famous, human interest stories, science, the arts and best of all sports.
Live reports of historic games and events from Echoes, futurist sports and even alternate versions of well known games, it was big business and the Chronicles biggest income driver.
For this simple reason its Sports Journalists were the highest paid, bonused on how many events they could cover and the level of coverage all while running that fine line of maintaining the Secret.
Which was exactly why the pair of them had to report to Infinity’s Head Office, to renew their Cross Time licences, without them they didn't go anywhere, which for the Sportsters was financial Armageddon.
“Did you hear about the stupid bitch Annette Garrett” sneered Eldridge
“Yeah crazy ho” retorted Jimmy
“Heard she’s completely blown her expense account in two days, plus got herself involved with some kind of cross time creature”
Jimmy snorted “Fuckin amateur”
The bespectacled visitor regarded the pair and frowned
“Problem buddy” snarled Eldridge
To his credit the visitor held Mike’s glare and merely shook his head
“Bookworms got a set” scoffed Jimmy
The three of them looked up as a man in a crisp suit had appeared before them, had he overhead the exchange, the Validation and Permits officer reviewed his tablet before turning to the visitor “Mr Dillon” and gestured for him to follow
“Hey buddy wait a minute, we've been waiting here over an hour” objected Mike
The V&P Officer regarded his tablet again before coolly regarding the pair “So you have” and walked off
“Dick” snarled Mike
Validation and Permits Office - Infinity Headquarters, Chicago – 14.30.
A further hour had passed before Jimmy entered the opaque office, sitting across the uniform desk sat a not unattractive but slightly geeky woman, again casting his mind back to high school the pretty geek.
Jimmy smiled Mike may get the payoffs but James McFadden was deadly with the ladies, he flashed her a killer smile and a raised eyebrow, the woman didn’t react in the slightest
A little perturbed by the woman’s immunity to his obvious charms Jimmy relaxed, leaning back into this chair.
“Is this a joke Mr McFadden” said the woman not even looking up
Jimmy frowned, she was really uptight “Look Lady is this going to take long, I’m really bu”
She looked him straight in the eye “It takes as long as it takes!”
“I can see from your attitude why we have an issue” she continued
“Issue, look Lady I never normally have a problem, can you just stamp my visa for Gods-“
“Well we do have a problem Mr McFadden, you’ve been cautioned four times in the past year for Article 1 Breaches”
“Article 1” Jimmy shook his head ignorantly
“That little thing we call the Secret Mr McFadden, you’ve risked Cross world contamination that we’re aware of on four occasions”
Jimmy shook his head, how the hell did Infinity know about that, he couldn’t even remember any near misses himself “Lady I’ve got no idea what your talking about!”
“Let me refresh your memory, leaving a Smart Phone in Parallel -99S, your electronic driver’s licence in a girls apartment again in Parallel -99S current year 1927, involving yourself in a television interview in Parallel -73N and last but not least the birth of your daughter on Echo -56F”
Jimmy’s face had by this stage become very pale “The first instance the item being handed into the local Police due to its nature and having to be retrieved by an I-Cop at considerable expense”
“In the last instance you could have irrevocably affected the timeline”
“Look lady can I speak to a Supervisor you clearly have a beef with me!” retorted Jimmy
“No Mr McFadden you may not, the Infinity Patrol has been monitoring your activities for several months again at considerable expense, while they have seen nothing Earth Shattering the last issue having the Jury out, you are deemed an issue”
“What does that mean”
“It means Mr McFadden, that you will be permitted a Month by Month probationary visa and constantly supervised until such time as your suitability or lack thereof is fully determined, all costs will be met by the Chronicle, finally should evidence of Timeline shift be observed on Echo -56F you may be subject to a Criminal investigation”
‘Shit she had the kid, bitch’ mentally cursed Jimmy ‘Paid for the fucking abortion, bitch, bitch, bitch’ looking out of the window at the golden sun, Jame’s Mcfadden’s outlook had definitely grown cloudy.
It was a beautiful warm sunny day, a balmy 18 degrees, a bright cheerful day that lifted every bodies spirits.
The Infinite Tower was an immense structure, towering some 120 stories tall, as the golden sun graced its eastern side its windows polarised.
The 32rd floor housed the Validation and Permits department, from its name an innocuous affair, but appearances were very much deceiving for this was the floor where cross-time travel was authorised.
Amongst Infinity Bureaucrats the administrators of this department wielded enormous power, a fact James McFadden appeared to have grossly underestimated.
Sat in the plush reception alongside his fellow Sports journo Mike Eldridge, a pair of kings surveyed all that lay before them, laughing raucously at their shared jokes, checking out the secretaries with cheeky winks, sneering at the male administrators and sprawled across the half moon Prussian blue sofas.
Their territory was encroached as a bespectacled man entered and took a seat, his tablet beneath his arm, the pair immediately adopted snipe expressions, this was the geek that they the jocks in high school had either ignored or ridiculed.
For his part the man ignored them, waking his Tablet up and catching up with whatever work he was involved in, Jimmy and Mike frowned at the lack of sport and returned to their conversation.
“So did you bone her!” challenged Eldridge
Jimmy gave him that what do you think! look
Mike produced his smart phone “Check this out”
Jimmy expected to see some naked or near naked girl draped in lingerie instead he was greeted with something of equal allure a Jaguar Hydro XJ775 super sports car, his eyes almost popped out of his head
“No way, yours!”
“Yep, ordered it Friday, last bonus cheques a biggy” Mike’s eyebrows raised knowingly
Inwardly Jimmy fumed, no matter how successful he was, Mike had a habit of pulling the bigger payoffs, still he had back to back stories lined up, 2027 was definitely going to be his year.
Both Mike and he worked for the Trans-World Chronicle Homeline and potentially the multiverses only inter dimensional newspaper, filled with breaking news from historical echoes, biographies of the historically famous, human interest stories, science, the arts and best of all sports.
Live reports of historic games and events from Echoes, futurist sports and even alternate versions of well known games, it was big business and the Chronicles biggest income driver.
For this simple reason its Sports Journalists were the highest paid, bonused on how many events they could cover and the level of coverage all while running that fine line of maintaining the Secret.
Which was exactly why the pair of them had to report to Infinity’s Head Office, to renew their Cross Time licences, without them they didn't go anywhere, which for the Sportsters was financial Armageddon.
“Did you hear about the stupid bitch Annette Garrett” sneered Eldridge
“Yeah crazy ho” retorted Jimmy
“Heard she’s completely blown her expense account in two days, plus got herself involved with some kind of cross time creature”
Jimmy snorted “Fuckin amateur”
The bespectacled visitor regarded the pair and frowned
“Problem buddy” snarled Eldridge
To his credit the visitor held Mike’s glare and merely shook his head
“Bookworms got a set” scoffed Jimmy
The three of them looked up as a man in a crisp suit had appeared before them, had he overhead the exchange, the Validation and Permits officer reviewed his tablet before turning to the visitor “Mr Dillon” and gestured for him to follow
“Hey buddy wait a minute, we've been waiting here over an hour” objected Mike
The V&P Officer regarded his tablet again before coolly regarding the pair “So you have” and walked off
“Dick” snarled Mike
Validation and Permits Office - Infinity Headquarters, Chicago – 14.30.
A further hour had passed before Jimmy entered the opaque office, sitting across the uniform desk sat a not unattractive but slightly geeky woman, again casting his mind back to high school the pretty geek.
Jimmy smiled Mike may get the payoffs but James McFadden was deadly with the ladies, he flashed her a killer smile and a raised eyebrow, the woman didn’t react in the slightest
A little perturbed by the woman’s immunity to his obvious charms Jimmy relaxed, leaning back into this chair.
“Is this a joke Mr McFadden” said the woman not even looking up
Jimmy frowned, she was really uptight “Look Lady is this going to take long, I’m really bu”
She looked him straight in the eye “It takes as long as it takes!”
“I can see from your attitude why we have an issue” she continued
“Issue, look Lady I never normally have a problem, can you just stamp my visa for Gods-“
“Well we do have a problem Mr McFadden, you’ve been cautioned four times in the past year for Article 1 Breaches”
“Article 1” Jimmy shook his head ignorantly
“That little thing we call the Secret Mr McFadden, you’ve risked Cross world contamination that we’re aware of on four occasions”
Jimmy shook his head, how the hell did Infinity know about that, he couldn’t even remember any near misses himself “Lady I’ve got no idea what your talking about!”
“Let me refresh your memory, leaving a Smart Phone in Parallel -99S, your electronic driver’s licence in a girls apartment again in Parallel -99S current year 1927, involving yourself in a television interview in Parallel -73N and last but not least the birth of your daughter on Echo -56F”
Jimmy’s face had by this stage become very pale “The first instance the item being handed into the local Police due to its nature and having to be retrieved by an I-Cop at considerable expense”
“In the last instance you could have irrevocably affected the timeline”
“Look lady can I speak to a Supervisor you clearly have a beef with me!” retorted Jimmy
“No Mr McFadden you may not, the Infinity Patrol has been monitoring your activities for several months again at considerable expense, while they have seen nothing Earth Shattering the last issue having the Jury out, you are deemed an issue”
“What does that mean”
“It means Mr McFadden, that you will be permitted a Month by Month probationary visa and constantly supervised until such time as your suitability or lack thereof is fully determined, all costs will be met by the Chronicle, finally should evidence of Timeline shift be observed on Echo -56F you may be subject to a Criminal investigation”
‘Shit she had the kid, bitch’ mentally cursed Jimmy ‘Paid for the fucking abortion, bitch, bitch, bitch’ looking out of the window at the golden sun, Jame’s Mcfadden’s outlook had definitely grown cloudy.
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
The Chronicle
Føroyar Islands – 819AD.Asgard - Divergence Point: 780AD, Viking Scalds discover Rune Magic, they use this to battle the Linorms and Trolls in the Northern Icelands.
Current Affairs: 819AD the Scandinavian Kingdoms are subject to Civil War as the Christine Danes battle the Norwegian Aesir, in order to wipe out the Old Gods.
Eive Orild scrambled up the slopes of Hálgafelli, upon the North Eastern Isle of Borðoy.
Unlike the Christian Armies if a woman could prove herself in battle she had a place within a warband, behind her hiked Targ Larsten and behind him the elder Vadan Odrolf.
Vadan shook his head, she was always the first, rushing headlong into adversity, reaching the craggy summit Eive crouched amongst the snowy boulders and watched, looking for their quarry.
The two slower Vikings saw the other figure approach, moving around the rocks toward their female companion, neither could warn her as they would undoubtedly warn their opponents.
A sixth sense warned Eive, spinning she brought her Spatha sword up, her quiet assailant doing the same, the blades meeting.
The assailant was the middle of his midden years, Saxon features with short curled brown hair and an adults beard, one thing was certain he was no Norseman.
The two stood regarding each other with hard eyes until the other Norsemen had scaled the slope.
“Eive hold” said Vadan quietly, “This is Bran, in these times an ally”
For his part Bran lowered his blade
“Bran that is a Cymrun name” said Eive suspiciously “When did we ally with the Celts” she snarled
“We did not, however we are allied with The Erilaz, Norse or not!”
Vadan nodded to the Breton, who nodded in return.
Bran was not dressed as a Norseman, his tunic and braccae made of wool, similarly a woollen cloak lined with hide rather than the fur trim of the Vikings.
In answer to Eive’s scorn Bran merely smiled, his eyes twinkling.
Meanwhile Targ was surveying the terrain, his hand snapped down signalling danger, each of the band ducked into the rocks, as they did so a winged shape surged over the mountain, narrowly skimming the peak.
The creature arced once and then plummeted into a dive, directly toward the band who by this time had scattered.
It resembled a large reptilian bird of prey, long quilled spines sprouting from random parts of its body, its skin ridged, slick and black, its mouth full of fangs, it screeched and outstretched its massive claws forwards.
As it swooped, Evie broke cover drawing its attention, it descended like a giant hawk ready to snatch its prey, as it did Targ also broke cover and hurled his first spear into its chest.
The creature crashed into the rocks, Targ wasting little time in spearing it again, as it thrashed in agony Eive vaulted down the slope, avoiding the jet of flame that erupted from its mouth and cleaved its skull apart with her sword.
A second passed over the peak however Vadan awaited it, springing to his feet and with a great swing of his battle-axe he slit its throat sending it into to a fiery explosion at the base of the mountain.
Bran sent a flurry of arrows at another two that encircled the summit, each kept a respectful distance shooting beams of fire down onto the rock face, the beasts however were slow witted, their hunger overcoming their sense of preservation, as they ventured closer Bran peppered their wings with arrows.
Eventually both beasts were no longer able to fly and were set upon by Targ and Eive, caked in gore.
Vadan turned and the band marched over the peak and began to make their way down to the flat rocky plain that made up the North shore, twilight darkness covered the skies of Føroyar for most of the year, as late afternoon overtook them so did the elements, the skies darkening and snow flurries picking up.
The band dug themselves a pit and pulled hides across the top, they then settled down to a meal of smoked fish and bread, before turning in for the night.
Eive awoke with a start, Bran quietened her with an upheld finger.
She could hear a thunderous roar, definitely not the snow, she also noticed that both Vadan and Targ were gone, giving Bran a defiant glare she pushed past him, the Breton muttered beneath his breath and followed.
The pair moved through the blizzard until suddenly they were aware of frenzied movement ahead of them, flashes of battle ahead of them, Bran flung himself into her.
Eive shouted in outrage and tried to draw her dagger, only to see that the Breton had pulled her beyond the reach of a huge white tail, one that was lashing through the snow, rending the very ground itself.
She tried to see the beast but the white sheet obscured everything, again she lost Bran only to see him slope into the snow spear in hand, another ear splitting roar reverberated through the storm.
The storm suddenly stilled Eive stood poised, blades ready the snow swirled for a long time before clearing, as it did a number of pained but quieter roars shuddered through the squall.
Before her stood Vadan, Targ, Bran and a tall horned man, her eyes widened a Jotun child, she saw that Bran had managed to pin the beasts tail with a spear, death had followed shortly afterwards as the three warriors had set upon it.
The beast was a white Linorn as big as a barn, its snow white hide now streaked with bloody rends.
The giant stood some eight hands high, ram like horns upon the sides of his head, a heavy ridged brow, flat almost cat like nose and tusked teeth extending from his lower jaw.
He dressed liked a Norseman and as Eive approached she noticed that Vadan was talking to him, warily she looked between them.
The giant turned and looked at Bran “Well met Lord of Gwynedd”, Bran bowed to the creature, Eive thought they’d gone mad, the Aesir had battled the Jotun since the dawn of times and so had their people the Norse.
Vadan seemed to sense her disquiet and took her to one side “What troubles you child”
“He is a monster, Jotun Blood yet we talk with him like a brother” she hissed
“He is a brother” replied the older man, Eive’s eyes widened “Not everything is so clear Eive, our own brothers, Norsemen now fall upon each other, Kinstrife now divides us as Christian battles Aesir”
“Thorgeisson and his people have always been allied with us, they’ve defended the North, stood against the Linorms of the Icelands”
“Not all men are brothers and not all Fel are monsters Eive, you are Erilaz, ‘Runechild’ just like Bran, that is a bond greater than blood, for blood can be spilt” he laid a fatherly hand upon her shoulder.
The greetings finished the group stood in conference one that Eive was party too, Vadan spoke
“Our brethren are divided Erilaz or Rune Børn following Christ now hunt those of the old ways, they have even began to turn upon themselves, whole villages are being put to the Sword” he paused before continuing
“Once the Children of the Aesir are gone, there will be no one to defend the Lands from the Linorn and without a cull they will breed beyond control, we must mount an expedition round up any Aesir Erilaz who will sail with us and set sail to the North Star, once they’re we must cull the Linorn so that they cannot threaten our children and their children for many winters”
Eive could not contain herself, excitement surged through her system, this would be a Saga “Should we not defend our kin from the Christians?” she said resolutely
“The Nóregr Vikings will hold the Danes, we must stop them being caught between beasts and monsters ” rumbled the giant
“The Christians think that their savour will kill the Monsters for them and cannot see that we defend the North frontier and once they realised this they will have slain all those who can kill the Linorn’s, no we must do this”
“And when the Saga is finished” Eive asked
“We the Children of Aesir will settle the Dragonlands, the Linorn will eventually return, there must be Erilaz awaiting them when they do, we must ensure it!” finished Vadan
- arcanus
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- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
The Chronicle
The Chronicle
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- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
The Chronicle
The Electric Stadium – Corona Park, Queens – New YorkGernsback, 1965 - Divergence Point: 1893; Nikola Tesla marries Anne Morgan, the daughter of financier J.P. Morgan, and thus remains sane enough to invent radio and broadcast power with Morgan financing.
Current Affairs: The World Science Council puts down all threats to techno-utopia in the fantastic World of the Future!
Powered by electro-magnetic tension Sam Huffs spring suit propelled him forwards at a muscle wrenching pace, he came out of the jump into a roll avoiding the left side tackle from the Cincinnati Centurions Defence.
Their agility and reactions amplified by an order of two Speedball was a furious game that changed by the second and hesitation was the ultimate sin.
Sprinting forwards across the transparent aluminium floor he vaulted onto the upward ramp and ignored the searing burn through his quadriceps as he propelled himself upwards into the sky vault.
He could hear his team mates shouting for him to pass, each player was only allowed to retain possession for a set time period or suffer a penalty, as Leaders in the NSP this wasn’t acceptable.
The Centurion Defence raced forward to prevent him from reaching the launch tubes.
They could have tried trading single points on the ground goal but the Centurions were too good a team to stretch a meagre lead on, no the play had to be a Skygoal and a clear six points.
Larry Burnham sped onto the sky vault waving for him to pass, Sam span blocking the first Defence’s punch and knocking him over, his arm swept back and launched the magnetised steel ball.
The collected inertia was swept up by the electro-magnetic currents crossing the play zone and accelerated, the second Defence wisely ducked as the ball became a missile the third was not so cautious and was smashed aside by its trajectory as the ball rocketed into the vertical horizontal launch tube and fired into a vertical arch.
Great crackling electrical coils raged as it completed its ascent and exploded out into the open space of the Sky vaults aerodome, the New York Neutrons Sky runners throttled their jet packs and raced after the sphere as their Centurion Counterparts swooped to stop them.
The Neutrons Doug McCall soared past the opposition snatching the ball from their grasp, completed a bone crunching backward arch and slammed the ball into the Centurions Sky Goal.
Watching the fury from immense screens the crowd went crazy
As play paused Burnham strode past Huff, knocking him aside “You asshole” he growled
The Electric Stadium – VIP Suite – New York
Tony Larcomonni chewed his significant cigar, launched into riotous clapping and growled his appreciation at the Sky Goal, the half moon window before him affording his and other most distinguished guests the closest and best view in the stadium.
As the Trans World Chronicles VP of Sports Coverage, Tony was an influential man and as such got see the best games from the myriad of sports his Division covered.
Gernsbacks electro Speedball ranked as one of his favourite wacky sports, only a technocracy could think of a sport with magnetically boosted players and jetpacks, plus the readers loved the coverage.
“Did you get that?” he quickly asked the two camera men, their covers being Network technicians they recorded for both the locals and secretly for Homeline.
The Neutrons were reassembling for the Centurions Offence, taking the pause in proceedings he turned to two of his Sports Journos, and gave them a patronising smile.
James McFadden and Mike Eldridge sat in slightly less preferential seats, Larcomonni couldn’t help himself but to break into chastising laughter at their misfortune, in reality the Journos annoyed him always whining about their commission and bonuses, big egos and child like tempers.
Still they were a necessary evil, without all the drama and hunger they wouldn’t get the coverage which made Trans World Sports the biggest and most profitable division of the Chronicle. Still it gave him an enormous sense of satisfaction when they fell from grace and had to eat humble pie, as well as giving him a great excuse to trim their bonuses and have them be grateful for him doing that.
Ordinarily he'd let his Directors deal with errant Journos but these two were too good to miss, no he'd deal with them personally.
“So you pair of Fuckwitts have got a Supervision Order slapped on you” Tony drew in a sharp intake of breath, looking around thoughtfully to ensure that nobody local was paying too much attention.
Both Journos knew what was coming “We’ll its going to cost you”
Both braced “How much?” Mike answered
“Well to cover the admin and HR costs going to have to be a 30% downgrade”
“That’s bullshit” spat James a little too quickly.
“Take it or leave it” replied Tony his voice now containing an edge to it and the smile having tightened
“Either that or I do nothing and you two are last season, reporting on kindergarden softball, good luck paying for your condos”
Both Journos nodded in resignation
“Gets better though” added Tony with a degree of glee returning to his voice
“Hows that” said James warily
“Well it does for Mike anyway, as he’s only got two cautions after we’ve done all the running around!” Tony turned and regarded the pair to emphasise the point
“The V&P are willing to allow him a probationary period unsupervised for three months, keep your nose clean and every things sweet!”
Jame’s jaw tightened as he saw Mike’s smug smile
“You on the other hand are shit out of Luck, four cautions you get a Supervisor to assess you on your ability to not contaminate other Worldlines with bullshit”
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
The Chronicle
Moldefjord, NorwayAsgard - Divergence Point: 780AD, Viking Scalds discover Rune Magic, they use this to battle the Linorms and Trolls in the Northern Icelands.
Current Affairs: 819AD the Scandinavian Kingdoms are subject to Civil War as the Christine Danes battle the Norwegian Aesir, in order to wipe out the Old Gods.
The whiteout had reduced visibility to less than a few meters, Infinity Officer Raug Swafgen thanked his lucky stars for his thermal armour, he had however lost any sense of feeling in his cheeks, despite his facemask.
He swept the stark white terrain, switching to his goggles thermal functionality and flexing his fingers within his gauntlets, radio was down or angry bees on the circuit.
Pushing himself off his rocky vantage point he slowly completed a perimeter circuit, he kept an eye out for Graves wary that in the blizzard they could shoot each other.
Julian Leibalaski stroked the screen of his portacomp as if it were a pet, he watched the serpent Linorn as it winged its way majestically over the Barents Sea.
Fortunately the 20 meter dragon hadn’t noticed his UAV following it and capturing not only its flight but also its form, its unnatural physique, all captured in Ultra Definition for the Infinite Nature section of The Chronicle.
“Shit you’re giving me the creeps, you rub that monster anymore you’ll spaff in your pants!”
Julian brushed his lank and overly long fringe from his eyes and turned to regard his research assistant Corey Frinz who was almost certainly the crudest woman he’d ever met.
“You are so gross” he said shaking his head, Corey for her part chuckled evilly popping the remainder of her Twinkie in her mouth having returned to her console.
“I gotta take a piss” she grunted between chews
“You gotta be joking its minus 20 out there!”
“Oh man up” she retorted pulling on her thermals, as she did Julian took a seedy moment to savour her arse, Corey was one of those grungy girls who’d be really attractive if she cleaned up and acted a bit more girly, but she was a laugh
He shivered as she unzipped the inner layer of the dome, resealing she then broke the outer seal and stepped into the white maelstrom
Julian returned to the motion capture of the Linorn as it approached the Svalbard coast.
Corey quickly pulled her thermal mask up tight to her goggles, she tapped her commlink
“Raug, Bob you out there?”
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
The Chronicle
Moldefjord, Norway
Sheets of chunky arctic snow cut across Raug’s vision, he shook his head to unsettle the layer that had built up on his hood, tapping the side of his goggles he brought the teams signal locators up onto the corner of his vision.
He frowned, two readings, someone must have left the dome.
He grumbled about protocol, they should have contacted Bob and himself before stepping out.
Looking at the blizzard he realised that they probably tried and hadn't got through.
He completed the perimeter circle heading for the nearest reading and almost tripped.
His reaction was fortunately swift the ridge of snow he had almost fallen over had a scattering of red around it, no time to unshoulder his carbine so he drew his sidearm.
He caught the movement to his rear left at the edge of his thermographic sight, turning and watched trying to discern whether it was a researcher or something worse.
The figure was moving too quickly and deliberately, holding his pistol with a two handed marksman grip Raug snapped up and double tapped the charging figure with the 10mm.
He spun as the blizzard disgorged another figure again putting two rounds into their head and chest, spinning he fired again and then again before taking a breath.
“Dritt” he breathed
Eight rounds down, he slid the clip out without looking down, replacing it with a full one
He watched the swirling snow flakes their frenzied movement almost matching the ferocity of the attack, slowly rotating the next charge still caught him off guard.
The figure appeared out of the flurry an arm’s length in front of him lunging, Raug felt the blade slide past his ribcage as he fired point blank into his attackers face.
He watched the body fall slowly away, not daring to look down until his nerves settled, the blade had sliced through his suit, slid off his armour and missed any flesh or bone.
He became alert again slowly turning around again and again, watching for any thermal readings, he did this for a good five minutes, before Raug relaxed.
Adrenaline and fear washed from his body as he breathed out and slowly crouched over the snow covered form, dusting the covering away he saw what he sadly expected to see, the body of his partner Bob Graves, he’d been attacked from behind and run through two or three times.
“Faen” he swore
Sheets of chunky arctic snow cut across Raug’s vision, he shook his head to unsettle the layer that had built up on his hood, tapping the side of his goggles he brought the teams signal locators up onto the corner of his vision.
He frowned, two readings, someone must have left the dome.
He grumbled about protocol, they should have contacted Bob and himself before stepping out.
Looking at the blizzard he realised that they probably tried and hadn't got through.
He completed the perimeter circle heading for the nearest reading and almost tripped.
His reaction was fortunately swift the ridge of snow he had almost fallen over had a scattering of red around it, no time to unshoulder his carbine so he drew his sidearm.
He caught the movement to his rear left at the edge of his thermographic sight, turning and watched trying to discern whether it was a researcher or something worse.
The figure was moving too quickly and deliberately, holding his pistol with a two handed marksman grip Raug snapped up and double tapped the charging figure with the 10mm.
He spun as the blizzard disgorged another figure again putting two rounds into their head and chest, spinning he fired again and then again before taking a breath.
“Dritt” he breathed
Eight rounds down, he slid the clip out without looking down, replacing it with a full one
He watched the swirling snow flakes their frenzied movement almost matching the ferocity of the attack, slowly rotating the next charge still caught him off guard.
The figure appeared out of the flurry an arm’s length in front of him lunging, Raug felt the blade slide past his ribcage as he fired point blank into his attackers face.
He watched the body fall slowly away, not daring to look down until his nerves settled, the blade had sliced through his suit, slid off his armour and missed any flesh or bone.
He became alert again slowly turning around again and again, watching for any thermal readings, he did this for a good five minutes, before Raug relaxed.
Adrenaline and fear washed from his body as he breathed out and slowly crouched over the snow covered form, dusting the covering away he saw what he sadly expected to see, the body of his partner Bob Graves, he’d been attacked from behind and run through two or three times.
“Faen” he swore
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
Re: The Chronicle
Moldefjord, NorwayAsgard - Divergence Point: 780AD, Viking Scalds discover Rune Magic, they use this to battle the Linorms and Trolls in the Northern Icelands.
Current Affairs: 819AD the Scandinavian Kingdoms are subject to Civil War as the Christine Danes battle the Norwegian Aesir, in order to wipe out the Old Gods.
Corey stumbled through the knee deep snow “Bob, Raug damnit!”
The enviro-dome was a state of the art piece of equipment, however it did have one design flaw, in that its internal seal to its lavatory was prone to jamming.
This required the occupants to exit the dome via the main seal and then enter the toilet via its external seal, having completed this Corey grumbled as she finished her business.
Exiting she was about to call yet again for the security when a blow struck her in the face, with such ferocity it sent her reeling in utter shock.
Momentarily Corey blacked out, as she returned to consciousness a pair of hands grabbed her and roughly dragged her to her feet, she screamed futilely at the blizzard and her attacker, as he struck her again, grabbed her hair and dragged her a short distance.
Corey tried to fight but her attacker merely struck her again, no mere slap but savage punches to the side of her head, before throwing her to the ground, stunned she gasped in horror as her thermals were ripped off her, then her pants and she was held down.
She could smell a rank combination of hide, body odour and animal fat.
Corey sobbed through the pain and fear as several unseen attackers forced themselves upon her, taking the time to deliver a beating throughout.
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
Re: The Chronicle
Moldefjord, Norway
Raug’s attention returned from his murdered partner to the present, he stood surveying the continuing fury as the snow whipped around him, thermographic revealed nothing but blue cold.
The first blow caught him with a downward stroke that almost severed his head from his shoulders, however the blow failed to complete the job and Raug emitted a horrendous squealing like that of a stuck pig.
His killer finished the job, another downward swing and Raug lay dead his life’s arterial blood squirting a full 6 feet from his headless corpse staining the snow like some macabre angel.
Raug’s attention returned from his murdered partner to the present, he stood surveying the continuing fury as the snow whipped around him, thermographic revealed nothing but blue cold.
The first blow caught him with a downward stroke that almost severed his head from his shoulders, however the blow failed to complete the job and Raug emitted a horrendous squealing like that of a stuck pig.
His killer finished the job, another downward swing and Raug lay dead his life’s arterial blood squirting a full 6 feet from his headless corpse staining the snow like some macabre angel.
- arcanus
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- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
Re: The Chronicle
Moldefjord, Norway
The inside of the dome was a cosy 22 degrees and Julian had very little interest in going anywhere near outside, even if that meant crossing his legs.
The serpent Linorn had landed, preened and then taken off again, it was currently harassing a colony of cormorants, Julian reached for a fresh bag of cheesy tortilla chips, in doing so he glanced down at the circuit camera, through the constant blizzard of angry snowflakes he saw what he thought was red on the ground.
Scrambling he knocked over his coffee, scattered equipment and sent his chair flying.
“Corey, Raug, Bob, guys what’s going on?”
Julian watched in horror as through the domes camera several figures strode out of the blizzard, each dressed in wolfskins, bronze scale armour and leather hide.
Each had long hair beneath their pot helms, complete with nasal bars, each had a look of savagery and hatred and proceeded to attack the dome.
Shaking himself from the paralyzing grip of fearful disbelief, he stumbled across the space and activated the domes defences, its inner layer of reinforced bands interlinking to form an armoured shell, the only downside being it now prevented Julian from using the door or seal.
Not that Julian had any intention of going outside.
He knew now that his team mates were undoubtedly dead, he hurriedly prepared a datapacket, a distress call and loaded it in the Conveyer pod, he watched the muted light flash from within the cylinder - firing the packet into the cosmos.
The attackers had failed to significantly harm the dome, apart from shredding its thermal layer a fact apparent to Julian by the rapidly dropping temperature.
However the noise was deafening and filled him with terror, Julian curled himself into a ball and cried, still the hammering raged on and on.
Silence descended, slowly Julian looked up, his hair plastered to his face with sweat.
Why had it gone quiet, it was a while longer before he picked himself up and warily approached the circuit camera, gone the figures were nowhere to be seen.
Julian tried to switch to other cameras but they either weren’t functioning or destroyed.
It appeared that the armour of dome had deterred the attackers, Julian breathed a sigh of relief.
It was short lived as an ear-splitting crack roared through the dome, piercing light and concussive force tore through the inside, picking Julian up and hurling him into the equipment.
As the smoke cleared Julian groaned, turning he looked up, fear washed through him as he looked into the grim face of one of the attackers.
“Hei lille mannen” snarled the warrior as he grabbed Julian and dragged him from the dome.
The inside of the dome was a cosy 22 degrees and Julian had very little interest in going anywhere near outside, even if that meant crossing his legs.
The serpent Linorn had landed, preened and then taken off again, it was currently harassing a colony of cormorants, Julian reached for a fresh bag of cheesy tortilla chips, in doing so he glanced down at the circuit camera, through the constant blizzard of angry snowflakes he saw what he thought was red on the ground.
Scrambling he knocked over his coffee, scattered equipment and sent his chair flying.
“Corey, Raug, Bob, guys what’s going on?”
Julian watched in horror as through the domes camera several figures strode out of the blizzard, each dressed in wolfskins, bronze scale armour and leather hide.
Each had long hair beneath their pot helms, complete with nasal bars, each had a look of savagery and hatred and proceeded to attack the dome.
Shaking himself from the paralyzing grip of fearful disbelief, he stumbled across the space and activated the domes defences, its inner layer of reinforced bands interlinking to form an armoured shell, the only downside being it now prevented Julian from using the door or seal.
Not that Julian had any intention of going outside.
He knew now that his team mates were undoubtedly dead, he hurriedly prepared a datapacket, a distress call and loaded it in the Conveyer pod, he watched the muted light flash from within the cylinder - firing the packet into the cosmos.
The attackers had failed to significantly harm the dome, apart from shredding its thermal layer a fact apparent to Julian by the rapidly dropping temperature.
However the noise was deafening and filled him with terror, Julian curled himself into a ball and cried, still the hammering raged on and on.
Silence descended, slowly Julian looked up, his hair plastered to his face with sweat.
Why had it gone quiet, it was a while longer before he picked himself up and warily approached the circuit camera, gone the figures were nowhere to be seen.
Julian tried to switch to other cameras but they either weren’t functioning or destroyed.
It appeared that the armour of dome had deterred the attackers, Julian breathed a sigh of relief.
It was short lived as an ear-splitting crack roared through the dome, piercing light and concussive force tore through the inside, picking Julian up and hurling him into the equipment.
As the smoke cleared Julian groaned, turning he looked up, fear washed through him as he looked into the grim face of one of the attackers.
“Hei lille mannen” snarled the warrior as he grabbed Julian and dragged him from the dome.
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
Re: The Chronicle
Moldefjord, Norway - The Next DayAsgard - Divergence Point: 780AD, Viking Scalds discover Rune Magic, they use this to battle the Linorms and Trolls in the Northern Icelands.
Current Affairs: 819AD the Scandinavian Kingdoms are subject to Civil War as the Christine Danes battle the Norwegian Aesir, in order to wipe out the Old Gods.
The blizzard had cleared, leaving a pure landscape of pristine winter snow.
The blanket of white ran unblemished to the very tops of the Forde, which then descended down into the icy Norwegian sea.
The white beauty concealed a horrible scene beneath it, one that Captain Omar didn’t want to uncover but knew he must, his white thermosuit concealed his immaculate blue I-Cop uniform.
He’d crouched over the snow covered lump, a form belied the corpse beneath.
His attention was drawn to the distortion in the air, as air was sucked out of this World and replaced with mass, the Conveyer had been built into an armoured snowcat which materialised upon the incline above him.
His conveyer was a two man enclosed power sled that resembled a white bullet on skis.
Lieutenant Kraus climbed out of the cat, followed by six I-Cop troopers, who quickly set up a perimeter.
Omar’s own man, Officer Gruer had already begun the gruesome task of unearthing the bodies.
Kraus saluted, which brought a smirk from the Captain instead he extended his hand and shook the lieutenants, after all they weren’t soldiers.
“Kraus I-Cop Security Division”
“Omar Justice Division” the Captain replied
The pleasantries over Kraus’s face blanched as he started to take in the unfolding horror, particularly as the headless corpse was uncovered, a grotesque fountain of crimson ice exploded outwards from the body.
Omar turned to business, “The team was four in total?”
Kraus didn’t respond for moment, before his attention snapped back to the matter in hand
“Four in total, two Security detail and two Journos from the Chronicle”
“Security seems light for a R5 Worldline”
Kraus looked uncomfortable “Unfortunately we have limited numbers, they were in a safe zone, the Scouts hadn’t spotted anyone for 50 klicks” a defensive tone creeping into his voice
“Lieutenant I’m not here to bust your balls, just establishing how four Homeline citizens have been killed!” Omar replied with a quiet level tone
Kraus seemed to relax a little, a small degree of tension leaving him
Gruer stepped up to the pair, Omar turned and awaited his findings
“Three bodies, one caught by surprise all wounds to his back, the headless corpse, looks like he put up a fight, his clips empty plus another empty on his webbing, third was dragged out of the dome, beaten then staked down, froze to death” his voice a smooth Southern drawl
“We’re looking for four” replied Omar
“I’ll sweep again, the three bodies are all male”
“Shit” swore Kraus
Omar looked at the Security man, who had keyed up his tablet phone, tapping the screen he brought up the profiles of the team
“Omar, a female researcher” he bent closer and squinted his eyes “Corey Frinz”
He turned back to Gruer “Your sure she’s not here?”
“I’ll double check sir, but I don’t think so, unless they dumped her further out” he immediately set back out to scouring the snow
In the meantime Omar had returned to the sled, he activated a cylinder around the size of a large vacuum flask, vocalised into it, checked the coordinates and confirmed on the touch screen, a flash of light travelled from the bottom of the unit to the top and the message was transmitted.