(19:54:40) (GM): Stood within the shadows of the beach, search lights sweep the beach - Make a Stealth roll?
(19:56:31) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 1,6,4.
(19:56:48) (von_Geller): 11 out of 17 for stealth
(20:00:57) (GM): The beam of cold light scans across the sand, itself a grim grey rather than yellow, an eerie silence pervades the entire area, as Von Geller flattens himself allowing the beam to pass over him.
(20:01:18) (GM): Make a perception (hearing roll)?
(20:02:13) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,2,4.
(20:02:22) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,6,2.
(20:02:26) (GM): 11 out of 20
(20:02:49) (von_Geller): 13 out of 18 (hearing and visual per equal)
(20:04:18) (GM): "Pssst" a voice sounds from the pitch darkness
(20:04:46) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,2,6.
(20:06:43) (von_Geller): Von Geller momentarilly freezes as the voice lets him know he is not alone. Slowly he turns his head in the direction of the voice, his vision switching to infra-red.
(20:10:12) (GM): The beach changes to shapes of increasingly darker blues, against his backdrop lies a a figure recognizable by shades of orange, deepening in place until they become red
(20:11:24) (GM): Another Perception roll?
(20:11:31) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,5,3.
(20:11:40) (von_Geller): Is the figure in a prone position, like a man looking down the barrel of a rifle?
(20:11:45) (GM): 12 out of 14
(20:11:49) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 2,1,5.
(20:12:04) (von_Geller): 8 out of 18 for PER
(20:12:14) (GM): He is prone, although infra red dosen't reveal a rifle
(20:13:58) (GM): You can see three additional orange figures moving cautiously down the beach from the fortifications and town above
(20:15:08) (von_Geller): Sighing, Von Geller waits for the lights to sweep away from him before scrambling to his feet and making a dash for the prone figure.
(20:16:08) (GM): Stealth roll?
(20:16:19) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 6,4,6.
(20:16:22) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 6,3,4.
(20:16:33) (von_Geller): 13 out of 17
(20:18:59) (GM): As you rise and move the prone figure fluidly rolls into a crouched position, he shows no sign of sighting up with a firearm
(20:21:38) (von_Geller): von Geller comes ot a halt about ten feet from the figure, dropping to his knees in the soft sand, his arms outstreatched as though he were being crucified. "American?" he asks in a hoarse whisper.
(20:22:33) (GM): "Yeah, we've got to go before we're spotted" the figure hisses back in a Tennessee drawl
(20:25:31) (von_Geller): von Geller climbs to his feet, crouching low. "Lead on, pal!" he says. "We got three coming from there," he says pointing towards the three heat signatures approaching from the shoreline.
(20:27:52) (GM): His proximity now close enough he sees a thin featured man, with a pale complexion, a cold quality to his eyes that VG has seen before a man accustomed to killing.
(20:28:51) (GM): The mans head snaps round following VGs finger, his eyes narrowing "Shit!" he hisses, "This way quickly" and moves with a deft predatory speed
(20:30:32) (von_Geller): vin Geller follows the lithe man but just in case, he unfastens the strap holding his pistol in place.
(20:34:47) (GM): The two of you quickly move down the beach, across the sandbanks and into the shallows of the water, as VG crosses the sandbanks he spots at least 10 figures laid in hiding "We've got company" hisses his guide, a few glances are exchanged as VG appears
(20:36:57) (GM): His guide moves along the bank to a figure who appears to be in command and quickly reports, he then immediately heads back up the beach
(20:38:35) (von_Geller): VG skids to a halt in the sand, dropping to one knee as he nods a greeting to the man in charge. Any sign of a rank?
(20:39:35) (GM): No sign of rank, the man quickly shakes your hand "Smythe" he says "You must be our arrival"
(20:39:53) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 3,6,4.
(20:39:58) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,3,3.
(20:40:27) (GM): 13 out of 20
(20:40:40) (GM): 11 out of 12
(20:41:55) (von_Geller): "I guess so," VG says cautiously. "Oh, err... von Geller," he adds before asking, "British?"
(20:44:37) (GM): "Yes, although we're a motley crew" he replies looking intently at the beach, following his gaze you see four figures, one heading towards the three others, the individual on the furthest right side
(20:45:03) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,1.
(20:46:13) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 1d6 and gets 2.
(20:46:44) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,6,6.
(20:46:55) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,6,1.
(20:47:05) (von_Geller): "Right," VG nods. "So in brief, what's the plan here, sir?" He watches as the steathy lithe American closes in on the approaching Germans.
(20:47:23) (GM): 17 out of 13, 11 out of 13
(20:47:31) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 6,3,1.
(20:47:41) (GM): 10 out of 20
(20:49:25) (von_Geller): What gear do I have with me? Pistol (a given me thinks!) do I have a rifle?
(20:49:57) (GM): A flash of purple sweeps across the throat area of one of the advancing figures, deep red floods from the orange of the figure as the attacker lowers him to the ground, the central figure has made a lot of ground and is closing to a distance within 20 feet of the line, the furthest left slows in their advance
(20:50:23) (GM): You have your 45 automatic and your Thompson smg
(20:51:35) (GM): Knife and grenades
(20:53:21) (von_Geller): "Hold there sir," VG says as he moves up over the sandbank and to the German's flank. "ACH, Shizen!" he curses in a slurred voice in a perfect Hanoveran accent.
(20:56:14) (GM): "Wer geht da?" comes a harsh response,
(20:58:54) (GM): <G>Identify yourself?
(21:00:26) (von_Geller): <G>"Huh? Who said that?" VG replies slurring every word. "Gerhardt? Is that you?"
(21:07:40) (GM): The orange figure cautiously approaches, gun raised at hip height
(21:10:19) (von_Geller): <G>"Gerhar... Gerhardt? That damned French whore of yours has done a runner!" VG staggers in the darkness towards the man. What's the third German doing at the moment? Can he hear me?
(21:14:45) (GM): <G>"I'm not Gerhardt" the figure snarls, the third German is certainly close enough to hear voices but your unsure if he has heard what your saying
(21:19:20) (GM): Another orange figure after pausing starts to circle in an arc heading for the third German
(21:20:29) (von_Geller): <G>"Not Gerhardt? Well thatsh good. Have te... Have to kick your arsh elsh. Theivin' French bitch!" As VG closes on the Nazi he switches his vision back to the normal spectrum and as soon as he can make out the German's features - meaning the German can do likewise, he feigns a trip and reaches out to the man to steady himself. As soon as his hand makes contact the hypo-injector in his finger administers a huge dose of anaesthetic into him.
(21:22:45) (GM): Make a Dex and brawling roll?
(21:23:36) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,5,2.
(21:23:45) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 3,2,5.
(21:24:19) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,1,5.
(21:24:26) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 1,6,5.
(21:24:30) (von_Geller): 11 out of 16 for DEX and 10 out of 18 for brawl
(21:24:36) (GM): 11 out of 13
(21:24:53) (GM): 12 out of 14
(21:26:57) (GM): As you mock stumble the German hisses "Mien Gott!"
(21:29:37) (von_Geller): Did I get the drug in?
(21:30:07) (GM): VGs hearing picks up the slide on the MP40 moving, further Dex roll?
(21:30:26) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,2,2.
(21:30:26) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,2,3.
(21:30:43) (von_Geller): 9 out of 16 for DEX
(21:32:06) (GM): Your bulk launches past the prone weapon, the hypo-injector plunging into the Germans throat
(21:32:20) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,1,5.
(21:32:46) (GM): He begins to fall carried by your weight
(21:33:50) (von_Geller): I'll let him have the full brunt of my titanium boned self!!
(21:34:18) (GM): The other German begins to move, but then stumbles, dropping to his knees and begins to gurgle
(21:35:32) (GM): Odds or evens?
(21:35:42) (von_Geller): evens
(21:35:52) (GM): Roll 1D6
(21:36:06) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 1d6 and gets 3.
(21:36:16) (von_Geller): typical!
(21:38:12) (GM): Allowing his weight to carry him down VG slams the German into the ground, unfortunately as his arm strikes the ground the MP40 goes off spraying rounds across the sand and more importantly breaking the silence
(21:41:10) (von_Geller): von Geller curses the German for being born and slams his forehead down onto his opponents face.
(21:41:15) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,4,5.
(21:41:42) (von_Geller): 14 out of 18 for brawl
(21:45:53) (von_Geller): How's that anaesthetic workin?
(21:47:16) (GM): There is a simultaneously satisfying and sickening crunch, however the german is unresponsive despite his nose being spread across his face.
(21:49:02) (von_Geller): Looking up from the unconscious kraut VG switches back to thermal to see what is happening up on the beachhead.
(21:50:30) (GM): More search lights begin to sweep the beach, movement has increased considerably on the fortifications
(21:51:49) (GM): The quick American darts past you back to the waterline
(21:53:25) (von_Geller): Leaving the man there VG scrambles back towards the waterline. "Shit!" he grumbles as he returns to the British officer.
(21:58:15) (von_Geller): "Sorry, sir. Think I may have given the game away!" VG watched the man for his reaction.
(21:58:30) (GM): The British Officer Smythe is already stood knee deep in the Channel "Can you swim Sergeant?", the rest of the unit are wading into the water
(22:00:15) (von_Geller): VG frowns as he looks out to sea. "What? Are we swimming back to England?"
(22:00:24) (GM): He looks unhappy and worried but nods "This was a risky operation sergeant, the risk of discovery was high"
(22:01:01) (GM): "No we have a boat but its some way out" behind you, you can hear the sound of dogs barking
(22:02:12) (von_Geller): VG shrugs and clips his holster shut before following the men into the cold waters.
(22:04:22) (GM): Goes the reinforced skeleton present any problems with floatation?
(22:05:13) (GM): And whats his DR?
(22:05:26) (von_Geller): "So," he says as he wades into the water. "What exactly was this operation, sir? What they told me about it you could write on a postage stamp."
(22:06:29) (von_Geller): No - has compensation for weight. DR 12 all over!
(22:07:24) (GM): Swim roll?
(22:07:34) ChatBot: (von_Geller) rolls 3d6 and gets 5,1,2.
(22:07:49) (von_Geller): 8 out of 14
(22:11:31) (GM): A silence descends as the unit takes to swimming at a pace, trying to reach deeper water as quickly as possible, behind them on the beach torches flash from left to right, the huge search lights sweep across the sand and also out to sea.
(22:13:27) (GM): Floating a good half mile out from the beach is a motor launch, the search lights sweep across the slightly choppy sea, as the first members of the unit haul themselves aboard
(22:15:01) (von_Geller): VG grimaces as he pushes through the water. He was going to ring that toff's neck if he ever caught up with him. Reaching the launch he hauls himself up over the side and sighs unhappily.
(22:20:06) (GM): The tell tale plops signify gunfire hitting the water, as VG looks back at the beach he picks out muzzle flashes, these become larger as larger caliber guns open fire from the beachhead "Bugger" curses the British officer as his corporal hauls him aboard
(22:49:30) (GM): The motor launch swings around heavy rounds thundering into the waters, each of the unit crouched low as they hear ominous twangs off the hulls metal. As it pushes out to sea Smythe breathes a little easier and turns to VG "To answer your question sergeant the purpose of our mission appears to have been you, our intelligence was simply that someone of interest would arrive on the beach and here we are! Its all a little cloak and dagger and to be honest I'm as much in the dark as yourself!" he falls silent, looking at VG for any form of response
(22:52:08) (von_Geller): VG shrugs pulling a sodden pack of Lucky Strikes from his pocket. he pulls one out and watches forlornly as it droops saddly. After several attempts he gets it to light. Breathing deeply he sighs. "Figures!" he says to no one in particular.
(22:52:46) (GM): "You seem a bit naffed off sergeant?" Smythe comments
(22:54:42) (von_Geller): "You don't know the half of it, sir. Not the half of it." He leans his head back and closes his eyes listening to the changing pitch of the motor as it drives the boat onwards.
War Worlds
- arcanus
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- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
War Worlds
The English Channel - November 29th 1940
The gunfire trailed away, as did the coastline behind them, black waters opened out around them.
The unit remained tense, Von Geller noticed that they weren't just alert but expecting something.
A hiss came from the back of the launch, the engine was immediately cut and only the lapping of the sea upon the hull could be heard.
Then Von Geller detected it, switching to Infra-red he immediately picked out a larger vessel moving at a parallel path to them.
The only problem was that it was unlikely to be friendly, it had followed them from France.
The gunfire trailed away, as did the coastline behind them, black waters opened out around them.
The unit remained tense, Von Geller noticed that they weren't just alert but expecting something.
A hiss came from the back of the launch, the engine was immediately cut and only the lapping of the sea upon the hull could be heard.
Then Von Geller detected it, switching to Infra-red he immediately picked out a larger vessel moving at a parallel path to them.
The only problem was that it was unlikely to be friendly, it had followed them from France.
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
War Worlds
Warily the occupants of the launch watch as search lights stab out from the fortifications and begin to pan across the coastal waters.
Their knife edge tension heightened when further lights blink to life from the patrol boat.
Historical files flash across Von Gellars mind 'Kreigsmarine R-Boat', the description entering his head like one of his own memories, 'Standard crew of 10, one 37mm cannon and two 20mm cannons'.
The Germans search continued, the searchlight edging ever closer to the silent Allied launch.
Their knife edge tension heightened when further lights blink to life from the patrol boat.
Historical files flash across Von Gellars mind 'Kreigsmarine R-Boat', the description entering his head like one of his own memories, 'Standard crew of 10, one 37mm cannon and two 20mm cannons'.
The Germans search continued, the searchlight edging ever closer to the silent Allied launch.
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
Re: War Worlds
(21:24:38) (GM): The English Channel - November 29th 1940
The gunfire trailed away, as did the coastline behind them, black waters opened out around them.
The unit remained tense, Von Geller noticed that they weren't just alert but expecting something.
A hiss came from the back of the launch, the engine was immediately cut and only the lapping of the sea upon the hull could be heard.
Then Von Geller detected it, switching to Infra-red he immediately picked out a larger vessel moving at a parallel path to them.
The only problem was that it was unlikely to be friendly, it had followed them from France.
Warily the occupants of the launch watch as search lights stab out from the fortifications and begin to pan across the coastal waters.
Their knife edge tension heightened when further lights blink to life from the patrol boat.
Historical files flash across Von Gellars mind 'Kreigsmarine R-Boat', the description entering his head like one of his own memories, 'Standard crew of 10, one 37mm cannon and two 20mm cannons'.
The Germans search continued, the searchlight edging ever closer to the silent Allied launch.
(21:29:22) Keeper: What's the distance between us and the boat?
(21:29:53) (GM): (Perception roll?)
(21:30:40) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 6,1,5.
(21:31:10) Keeper: 12 out of 17
(21:31:35) (GM): The boat is 32 feet to starboard
(21:32:58) Keeper: Shite! and they haven't spotted us yet?
(21:35:33) (GM): Characteristic of a covert mission, its a moonless might and pitch dark, however you anticipate you have mere seconds before their search light sweeps across your launch
(21:39:28) Keeper: do I possess a silenced pistol at all?
(21:40:22) (GM): Yes, can imagine him possessing one in his arsenal
(21:40:38) (GM): Essential equipment
(21:40:52) Keeper: ((two was his standard fare if I recall!))
(21:42:00) (GM): Yes, plus the heavy piece was larger stubborn opponents
(21:43:57) Keeper: I'll move to a position behind one of the other soldiers and bead up on the searchlight. I'm going to used his collar to mask the muszz
(21:51:43) Keeper: I'm going to hide the muzzle flash behind the soldier!!
(21:57:18) (GM): (Make a stealth roll and shot, what's your target?)
(21:59:01) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 4,4,2.
(21:59:18) Keeper: 10 out of 16 for stealth
(21:59:40) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 3,6,3.
(22:00:16) Keeper: 12 out of 21 to shoot out the light!
(22:00:37) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 2,6,5.
(22:01:39) (GM): (Damage)
(22:01:58) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 2d6 and gets 3,1.
(22:02:13) Keeper: 5 damage
(22:03:50) Keeper: Through thermal imaging, can I see the operator of the lamp, and perhaps even a gunner?
(22:05:16) (GM): Von Gellers vision tracks the flash of heat striking the hot orb of the lamp, immediately the lamp dies, his vision tracks picking out heat sources behind the lamp and several in position at the aft of the boat
(22:06:26) (GM): "Was war das?" (What was that?) he hears, as another lamp on the bow lights up
(22:08:29) Keeper: Take the operator out first then the lamp itself.
(22:09:26) (GM): (Make a stealth roll and shot?)
(22:09:29) Keeper: "Smythe, steer us in closer,"
(22:09:39) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,5.
(22:09:43) (GM): (Two pistols?)
(22:10:34) Keeper: 12out of 16 for stealth (no... single shots from the one carefully aimed pistolla!)
(22:10:46) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 2,6,5.
(22:11:03) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 3,1,1.
(22:11:18) Keeper: 13 out of 21 for the first shot
(22:11:24) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 6,5,6.
(22:11:37) Keeper: 17 out of 21 for the second
(22:11:54) (GM): (damage?)
(22:12:14) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 3,3,2.
(22:16:33) (GM): "ES GIBT" (There, there) he hears followed by the roar of a machinegun, pulses of white hot heat lance the waters to the boats aft, as the boats and gun rotates a soldier at the rear of the launch disappears in a cloud of blood and gore
(22:19:43) Keeper: Von Geller curses himself for his stupidity. How close are we now?
(22:20:29) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 6d6 and gets 1,4,6,1,5,5.
(22:20:58) (GM): The boats have moved 10 feet closer to each other, now 22 feet away
(22:23:05) Keeper: Throwing off his webbing to make himself lighter, he diverts more power to his legs. Then he sprints the length of the boat and launches himself across the dark gap between the two vessels, his second pistol drawing in mid flight.
(22:25:01) (GM): Make a Jump roll?
(22:26:14) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 4,1,2.
(22:26:32) Keeper: 7 out of 15 for jump
(22:28:20) (GM): The launch bounces up and down as he thunders along its length and takes off from the bow, sailing across the gap.
(22:28:27) (GM): Make a Dex roll?
(22:29:01) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 1,4,3.
(22:29:13) Keeper: 8 out of 16
(22:32:57) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,2.
(22:33:11) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 2,1,5.
The gunfire trailed away, as did the coastline behind them, black waters opened out around them.
The unit remained tense, Von Geller noticed that they weren't just alert but expecting something.
A hiss came from the back of the launch, the engine was immediately cut and only the lapping of the sea upon the hull could be heard.
Then Von Geller detected it, switching to Infra-red he immediately picked out a larger vessel moving at a parallel path to them.
The only problem was that it was unlikely to be friendly, it had followed them from France.
Warily the occupants of the launch watch as search lights stab out from the fortifications and begin to pan across the coastal waters.
Their knife edge tension heightened when further lights blink to life from the patrol boat.
Historical files flash across Von Gellars mind 'Kreigsmarine R-Boat', the description entering his head like one of his own memories, 'Standard crew of 10, one 37mm cannon and two 20mm cannons'.
The Germans search continued, the searchlight edging ever closer to the silent Allied launch.
(21:29:22) Keeper: What's the distance between us and the boat?
(21:29:53) (GM): (Perception roll?)
(21:30:40) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 6,1,5.
(21:31:10) Keeper: 12 out of 17
(21:31:35) (GM): The boat is 32 feet to starboard
(21:32:58) Keeper: Shite! and they haven't spotted us yet?
(21:35:33) (GM): Characteristic of a covert mission, its a moonless might and pitch dark, however you anticipate you have mere seconds before their search light sweeps across your launch
(21:39:28) Keeper: do I possess a silenced pistol at all?
(21:40:22) (GM): Yes, can imagine him possessing one in his arsenal
(21:40:38) (GM): Essential equipment
(21:40:52) Keeper: ((two was his standard fare if I recall!))
(21:42:00) (GM): Yes, plus the heavy piece was larger stubborn opponents
(21:43:57) Keeper: I'll move to a position behind one of the other soldiers and bead up on the searchlight. I'm going to used his collar to mask the muszz
(21:51:43) Keeper: I'm going to hide the muzzle flash behind the soldier!!
(21:57:18) (GM): (Make a stealth roll and shot, what's your target?)
(21:59:01) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 4,4,2.
(21:59:18) Keeper: 10 out of 16 for stealth
(21:59:40) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 3,6,3.
(22:00:16) Keeper: 12 out of 21 to shoot out the light!
(22:00:37) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 2,6,5.
(22:01:39) (GM): (Damage)
(22:01:58) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 2d6 and gets 3,1.
(22:02:13) Keeper: 5 damage
(22:03:50) Keeper: Through thermal imaging, can I see the operator of the lamp, and perhaps even a gunner?
(22:05:16) (GM): Von Gellers vision tracks the flash of heat striking the hot orb of the lamp, immediately the lamp dies, his vision tracks picking out heat sources behind the lamp and several in position at the aft of the boat
(22:06:26) (GM): "Was war das?" (What was that?) he hears, as another lamp on the bow lights up
(22:08:29) Keeper: Take the operator out first then the lamp itself.
(22:09:26) (GM): (Make a stealth roll and shot?)
(22:09:29) Keeper: "Smythe, steer us in closer,"
(22:09:39) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,5.
(22:09:43) (GM): (Two pistols?)
(22:10:34) Keeper: 12out of 16 for stealth (no... single shots from the one carefully aimed pistolla!)
(22:10:46) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 2,6,5.
(22:11:03) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 3,1,1.
(22:11:18) Keeper: 13 out of 21 for the first shot
(22:11:24) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 6,5,6.
(22:11:37) Keeper: 17 out of 21 for the second
(22:11:54) (GM): (damage?)
(22:12:14) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 3,3,2.
(22:16:33) (GM): "ES GIBT" (There, there) he hears followed by the roar of a machinegun, pulses of white hot heat lance the waters to the boats aft, as the boats and gun rotates a soldier at the rear of the launch disappears in a cloud of blood and gore
(22:19:43) Keeper: Von Geller curses himself for his stupidity. How close are we now?
(22:20:29) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 6d6 and gets 1,4,6,1,5,5.
(22:20:58) (GM): The boats have moved 10 feet closer to each other, now 22 feet away
(22:23:05) Keeper: Throwing off his webbing to make himself lighter, he diverts more power to his legs. Then he sprints the length of the boat and launches himself across the dark gap between the two vessels, his second pistol drawing in mid flight.
(22:25:01) (GM): Make a Jump roll?
(22:26:14) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 4,1,2.
(22:26:32) Keeper: 7 out of 15 for jump
(22:28:20) (GM): The launch bounces up and down as he thunders along its length and takes off from the bow, sailing across the gap.
(22:28:27) (GM): Make a Dex roll?
(22:29:01) ChatBot: Keeper rolls 3d6 and gets 1,4,3.
(22:29:13) Keeper: 8 out of 16
(22:32:57) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 4,3,2.
(22:33:11) ChatBot: (GM) rolls 3d6 and gets 2,1,5.
- arcanus
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1775
- Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:18 pm
Re: War Worlds
The Allied Raiders launch bowed into the English Channel, Captain Reginald Smythe spied a dark form launch itself into the air "What on earth!" he muttered
The German Gunboat bobbed as a heavy form landed with a thud onto its stern, its kriegsmarine crew momentarily looking amongst themselves with confusion.
Smythe, Perrin and Krutzvelt wasted little during the cessation of the German machine gun and fire opening fire
The German Gunboat bobbed as a heavy form landed with a thud onto its stern, its kriegsmarine crew momentarily looking amongst themselves with confusion.
Smythe, Perrin and Krutzvelt wasted little during the cessation of the German machine gun and fire opening fire