As you watch a more and more demonic visage appears, its skin tight, with heavy unnatural lines, jade green eyes stare with detached anger.
Make a spot roll.
Your attention drawn to the fight that has ensued between the demonic assailant and your hounds, you fail to see a figure approach from an adjacent tunnel, turning in response to something hitting your left leg.Spot of 20 un-natural
You first look down then backwards as a silvery chain wraps around your leg and pulls tight.
I thought Randle would have picked up the other assailant Otto thinks.Ref Save & Strength Roll (Strength is currently 18 (+4)).
Reflex of 22
Sending a mental admonishment to Randle, you yelp as the chain pulls tight and you are pulled off your feet, crashing down with a painful bump.Strength 15
Twisting you see three small figures, also shrouded in black.
The bulkiest of the three holds the chain tight, as the other two scrambles up the slight incline of the passage toward you.
'RIGHT YOU BASTARDS! HAVE IT!' Otto roars in frustration as he pushes himself up swiftly and fires one round of the arquebus at the head of the figure holding the chain.